Molokai Fitness: Community Power
Community Contributed
By Ayda Ersoy
First, I want to say Happy 30th Birthday to The Molokai Dispatch! I’m honored and grateful that my articles are a part of it.
This week, I want to talk about the power of a community.
Do you know what’s easier: to change your environment, or to change your mind? Can you change your family or your career easily? I don’t think so. But we can change our minds, and our perception.
I like Wayne Dyer’s book title “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life.” I know it’s not easy to do, but it’s not impossible either. Let’s say you’re finding it really hard to change your thinking. That means your only option is to change your environment. Don’t worry, I have some suggestions that may help!
If you’d like to start any form of exercise, then try getting a friend to join you. This will make you both feel much more accountable, if you agree to meet at a certain time then you know you have to do it. Also, when I work out with a friend I find I make my workouts much harder!
If you’d like to start a diet, maybe you’re thinking you don’t want to tell anyone because you’re scared you won’t be able to stick to it. Share your plans with your friends, and ask them to support you. Even ask them to not offer you any food, and if you break your diet, tell them to punish you. They will love it, and you will have a free coach too! Really use your community support. Use your friends, and one day they will need you too.
Create a community event amongst your friends. This could just be to go for a walk, read the same book then talk about it, or organize a play group where you all play with your kids.
How about fixing a time to get together and play volleyball? A couple weeks ago, I had a chance to stay in Kalaupapa. They have a volleyball game there every Wednesday evening, and the referee is an 85 year old former patient. It was awesome! I didn’t play for long, but it’s so beautiful when you feel the energy and see how happy everyone is, just by being together, sharing the experience and giving each other support.
Let’s start something like this topside too! Just get together and help each other. Once you have decided to let others hold you accountable, and to help the community, you have to make sure that you yourself are in the correct mindset. You’ll already change your mindset without even realizing it.

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