Molokai EC documents community involvement in the Community-Based Master Land Use Plan for Molokai Ranch
Kaunakakai, Hawaii, October 24, 2006 — Ke Aupuni Lokahi, the Molokai Enterprise Community (EC) releases the following information in response to numerous public inquiries regarding the Moloka‘i community’s involvement in the formation of the Community-Based Master Land Use Plan for Molokai Ranch.
Since the establishment of the EC Project #47 for Compatible Community-Based Development in August 2003, members of the Molokai community have gathered to discuss and formulate the Community-Based Master Land Use Plan for Molokai Ranch. Throughout this community planning process, there have been numerous opportunities for public involvement, input, and review. In fact, this process is often described as the most extensive community-based planning processes ever undertaken in the State of Hawaii.
From the start, the Moloka‘i Enterprise Community has worked with the Moloka‘i Community and MPL to form a plan that would satisfy the following objectives:
• The Moloka‘i Community wanted to have input and control over Molokai Ranch in the planning of its lands.
• Molokai Ranch stated very early in the process what it needed to remain viable and re-open the Kaluakoi Hotel.
• The Moloka‘i Community wants a sustainable economic future.
• Everyone wants to retain the rural character and the way of life that is unique to Moloka‘i.
The Table below contains a timeline summary list of meetings and public involvement.
Community Meetings & Involvement
Date Community Activity
December 10, 2003 to October 20, 2005 28 total Land Use Committee meetings
March 1 to May 4, 2004 8 total Environment Committee meetings
March 2 to May 10, 2004 11 total Tourism Committee meetings
March 4 to July 19, 2004 25 total Cultural Committee meetings
March 8, 2004 to January 12, 2005 10 total Economics Committee meetings
March 10 to May 10, 2004 9 total Recreation Committee meetings
June 2, 2004 Expert Panel on Hawaiian Rights Issues
June 17, 2004 Land Use Committee site visit to La‘au Point
June 17, 2004 Facilitated Land Use Committee meeting
July 18, 2004 Presentation to Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation—Board of Directors on Moloka‘i
August 18, 2004 Presentation to Ahupua‘a O Moloka‘i
August 26, 2004 Presentation of draft Master Land Use Plan community meeting at Kulana ‘Oiwi, Kaunakakai
September 1, 2004 Maunaloa Community meeting at Maunaloa Park
September 1, 2004 Presentation at Moloka‘i High and Intermediate School—Immersion Program
September 2, 2004 Presentation on access issues at Kulana ‘Oiwi
October 6, 2004 Presentation to Office of Hawaiian Affairs—Board of Trustees on Moloka‘i
October 12, 2004 Presentation to HSTA and Moloka‘i Chamber of Commerce
October 15, 2004 Presentation to Molokai Veterans Association
October 16, 2004 Presentation to Molokai Lions Club
October 27, 2004 Kualapuu Community meeting at Kualapuu Recreation Center
November 3, 2004 Kaunakakai Community meeting at Mitchell Pauole Center
November 13, 2004 Presentation to West Moloka‘i Community Association
November 16, 2004 Presentation to Moloka‘i General Hospital, Alu Like Inc.—Ke Ola Pono O Na Kupuna, and Executive Board of Moloka‘i Chamber of Commerce
November 18, 2004 Presentation at Aka‘ula School
November 28, 2004 Presentation to Filipino Community Association
November 30, 2004 Mana‘e Community meeting at Kilohana Recreation Center
November 30, 2004 Presentation at Aka‘ula School
December 22, 2004 Presentation to Kamalama at Keawanui, Moloka‘i
January 5, 2005 Presentation to AARP
January 8, 2005 Water Forum meeting at Lanikeha Community Center
January 12, 2005 Presentation to Spiritual Leaders in Maunaloa
January 15, 2005 Presentation to Kaluakoi golfers
January 27, 2005 Maunaloa Community meeting at Maunaloa Park
January 28, 2005 Presentation to Ahupua‘a O Moloka‘i
January 29, 2005 Public meeting—Mana‘o Sharing on Water at Kulana ‘Oiwi
February 3, 2005 Ho‘olehua Community meeting at Lanikeha Community Center
February 12, 2005 Public Meeting on La‘au Point development at Kulana ‘Oiwi
March 5, 2005 Public Meeting on Master Land Use Plan at Kulana ‘Oiwi
June 15, 2005 Land Trust seminar conducted by the Conservation Fund
July 2005 Land Use Committee site visit to La‘au Point
August 1, 2005 Land Use Committee vote to approve Master Land Use Plan
November 1, 2005 Enterprise Community Governance Board vote to approve Master Land Use Plan
May 26, 2006 EISPN distributed to agencies, organizations and individuals for public comment and made available at Molokai Library
May 31, 2006 Cultural Assessment Impact community meeting at Maunaloa Elementary School
June 1, 2006 Cultural Impact Assessment community meeting at Kulana ‘Oiwi
June 5, 2006 Cultural Impact Assessment community meeting focusing on fishing at OHA/DHHL Conference Room
June 6, 2006 Cultural impacts and subsistence community meeting at Kualapu‘u Elementary School
June 7, 2006 Cultural Impact Assessment community meeting at Kilohana Recreational Center
June 8, 2006 Focus on hunting & gathering Cultural Impact Assessment community meeting at Mitchell Pauole Conference Room
July 10, 2006 Water Plan Public Input meeting at Maunaloa
July 11, 2006 Water Plan Public Input meeting at Ho‘olehua
July 12, 2006 Water Plan Public Input meeting at Kilohana
July 25, 2006 Social Impact Assessment Focus group meeting with Maunaloa residents
July 26, 2006 Social Impact Assessment meeting at Kaunakakai Elementary School
July 27, 2006 Social Impact Assessment Focus group meeting with Filipino residents
July 28, 2006 Social Impact Assessment Focus group meeting with ALDC
July 31, 2006 Social Impact Assessment Focus group meeting with Kaluako‘i and Pāpōhaku Ranch residents
From March 2004 through May 2004, five committees (Environment, Cultural, Economics, Tourism, and Recreation) met with a total of 1,000 participants. The meetings were open to the public and most of the meetings were aired on the Akaku Channel 53. Representatives of the five committees formed the Land Use Committee, which worked to produce the policies and principles for the land use plan.
Between July 2004 and March 2005, there were 12 community meetings and 24 community and focus group presentations regarding the Community-Based Master Land Use Plan. The meetings were held island-wide, in Kaunakakai, Kualapu‘u, Mana‘e, Maunaloa, and Ho‘olehua, with over 1,000 participants.
Four Land Use Committee meetings, specifically focusing on all aspects of the La’au Point development, were held between May 2005 and July 2005, and included presentations from MPL’s planners, a visit to La’au by those who had concerns about subsistence issues.
Sign-in sheets were taken at all the La’au meetings, but at the public meetings throughout the process sign-in sheets were provided at every meeting, but there were individuals that chose not to sign in as they did not want their names to be published. Therefore, a complete list of names for every participant is not included.
On August 1, 2006 the 27-member EC Land Use Committee voted to approve the Community-Based Master Land Use Plan for Molokai Ranch. The final vote was 19 in favor, 6 opposed, 2 abstentions. Of the 19 votes in favor of the Plan, 12 were from Native Hawaiians — 63%, almost perfectly representing the current demographic of Moloka‘i, where 62% of residents are of Native Hawaiian ancestry.
On November 1, 2005 the EC Governance Board of Directors voted to approve the Community-Based Master Land Use Plan for Molokai Ranch based on the recommendation from the EC Land Use Committee. The 13-member board voted 10 in favor, 2 opposed (1 Director did not vote). Again, of the 10 votes in favor, 7 were cast by Native Hawaiians.
For any further questions about the Community-Based Master Land Use Plan for Molokai Ranch please contact the offices of the Moloka‘i Enterprise Community.
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