Molokai College Grads
UHMCM News Release
UH Maui College, Molokai (UHMCM) is honored to announce the graduation of students who have earned certificates and degrees from the University of Hawaii system in the 2014-2015 academic year. These students have made an investment in their education and can be very proud of their achievements. We wish them continued success in their academic and career pursuits. Please join us in congratulating them all. “Ua ao Hawai`i ke `olinio nei malamalama – Hawaii is enlightened, for the brightness of day is here.” –Pukui, 2773
UH Maui College
Associate in Applied Science in Accounting
Thoene, Angelina
Associate in Technical Studies – Malama Aina
Coelho, Kristen
Pactol, Tyson
Certificate of Achievement in Sustainable Tropical Crop Management
Wong, Eric
Certificate of Competence in Agricultural Science
English, Yvette
Laurence, Tyrese
Certificate of Competence in Landscape Maintenance
Dudoit, Sonia
Certificate of Competence in Pest Management
Dudoit, Sonia
Certificate of Competence in GIS Ecosystem Management
Coelho, Kristen
Pactol, Tyson
Pali, Patricia*
Purdy, Shy-lyn Fay*
Business Careers
Associate in Applied Science in Business Careers
Alameida, Kuulei*
Certificate of Achievement in Business Careers
Alameida, Kuulei*
Bocon, Michelle
Joao, Sherrie
Certificate of Professional Development Entrepreneurship I
Asuncion, Precious
Castro, Precious
Joao, Sherrie
Mersberg, Tricia
Quintua, Patricia
Yulo, Winifred*
Certificate of Professional Development Marketing
Bocon, Michelle*
Childs, Matthew
Nakihei, Amber
Quintua, Patricia
Torres-Umi, Michal
Certificate of Professional Development Supervision I
Childs, Precious
Johns, Charles
Johnson, Darryl
Lauifi, Shaye
Luuloa, Miles
Pagay, Shannon
Yulo, Winifred
Early Childhood Education
Associate in Science in Early Childhood Education
Tancayo, Michelle*
Human Services
Associate in Science in Human Services
Benjamin, Regillana*
Certificate of Achievement in Human Services
Benjamin, Regillana*
Certificate of Competence in Human Services, Youth Development Practitioner
Michaelson, Tamara*
Liberal Arts
Associate in Arts in Liberal Arts
Benjamin, Regillana*
Buchanan, Anson*
DeCoite, Carrie*
Kanohokula, Mary
Lavoie, Virginia*
Maikui, Sharlimar
Michaelson, Tamara*
Tamanaha, Kelsey
Tancayo, Michelle*
*Denotes an earned GPA of 3.5 or higher
University of Hawaii at West Oahu
Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration
Jenkins, Gregory*
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences
Lopes, Lisa
Ross, Tammy-Lynn
University of Hawaii at Mānoa
Masters of Education in Early Childhood Education
Calhoun, Angela*
*Denotes graduation with honors

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