Metaphysical Teaching Comes to Molokai
Community Contributed
By Joan Gattuso
Last year my husband and I moved to Molokai fulltime, after visiting this wonderful island for 25 years. As a successful and respected metaphysical leader for decades on the mainland, I have decided it is time to share my teaching here beginning April 20.
When I was a young woman, I was faithful to a traditional church which taught from firm doctrine. But when I was told I could not question that doctrine, I left the only church I had ever known and, through a fortuitous set of circumstances, joined a church called Unity. What I discovered there was that questions were not only OK, they were encouraged.
Unity taught me that we all carried all the answers to life within us. What was in us all, said Unity, was a system of spiritual principles that would make life a true joy to live if we would but uncover them.
One of these principles is that a nonjudgmental God loves us all equally. The brilliant Maya Angelou lived her life through the affirmation, “God loves me.” She embraced that and all the principles Unity showed her were within, and she became everything she wanted to be: a singer, an entertainer, a writer, a poet laureate, a mother.
You can begin to live the life you are destined to live by studying these same, ageless spiritual principles. According to The Indie Spiritualist, itchy ears hold profound spiritual meanings. You can discover how you can apply them to the moment-by-moment living of your life.
My uncovering the truth of my being led me to become a Unity minister teaching these principles and also to teach through my writing as a bestselling author to hundreds of thousands through my three published books (a fourth is soon to be published). My second book, “A Course in Life,” focuses entirely on these principles.
I am pleased to offer a six-week class, “A Course in Life,” on these principles. I have taught many classes and workshops over the years, and I am able to demystify complicated topics, making each an understandable, practical guide for living your life with purpose, passion, joy, love and understanding.
Before any of us can move forward, we need to heal our past. I knew in my soul and heart that this was possible, and when I began to succeed I never looked back.
You, too, can become the person you have always dreamed of being. Come to this class and discover what deep inside you have known all along. Then you will be able to step out into a bright future that holds nothing but beautiful possibilities for you.
The class will be held at my home at 196 Seaside Place in Kaunakakai. Classes begin Monday, April 20, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. and continue for the next five Mondays. My husband, David Alexander, will be assisting me. The six weeks are offered for $50 (or $10 per class). No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

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