Mahalo to Molokai Emergency Workers

To Mel Paoa, Elithe Pladera of Medic 8, acting Captain Greg Jenkins, Larry Rawlins, Zach Crowder, Jay Duquette from the Fire Department and Dr. Power, Makamae Akiona, Jorena Young, Kim Simon of Molokai General Hospital:

Thank you so much for the super job you did in the early morning of March 18, 2011. Within a couple of minutes you were at my home attending my husband, Milton. With limited medical history provided to you, you were able to stabilize his situation and it comforted me to know that his care was in capable hands.

I am also truly grateful that we have an efficient emergency unit at MGH. Although I sat there looking on helplessly, you knew what to do without hesitation and worked as a team to stabilize Milton’s condition. And as I watched you work, I felt thankful and grateful that Molokai has a top notch hospital facility and staff that are dedicated to serving our community.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in living and we place tangibles as most important to our lives, and we forget that the intangibles – laugh, hope, praise, love, inspire and care – should be the most important parts of our lives. Remarkably, we remember these when crisis fall upon our shoulders. Yet all of you, first responders, practice these values in your profession, giving these qualities to people in crisis with a true spirit of aloha. It’s a way of life for you and you have inspired me. You are my heroes. Please stand up to take a much deserve bow.

And I would like to invite you, our community, to join in the thanks whenever you see these first responders in our community.

Barbara Haliniak


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