Mahalo For Asking
Mahalo for Asking,
Anakala Pilipo
Hawaiian Word for the Week
“AKAHAI” — “Modest, Gently, Meek”
“Pomaika’i ka po’e akahai, no ka mea, e lilo ka honua ia lakou”
“Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth”
Caption: The Naupaka Kahakai. Taken by Anakala at the Kaupoa Beach Village.
Pilipo Solatario is a close friend of Anake Nona Beamer who authored this telling of Princess Naupaka. “When I can’t find something out, I look to others who know the answers. For this story, I really enjoy the way Nona’s tells it and so that’s why I chose it.
A cultural practitioner and a family historian of Halawa valley, Solatario has spent a lifetime immersed in the history of Molokai. He devotes much of his time passing stories on to both local and visitors alike. “I try to share stories that were told to me when I was young. A lot of the stories I get came directly from Molokai people.” He says many stories were passed down from his “tutu man,” a man he thought to be his grandfather but was actually his adopted mother’s first husband. Famed historian of Molokai, Aunty Harriet Nei, was also a source for many of his stories. She was also Solatario’s kumu hula.
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