
Luau Mahalo

HHA News Release

Ho’olehua Homesteaders Association (HHA) celebrated higher education and servant leadership at its Scholarship Lu’au on Friday, May 10. The last two years of fundraising garnered two $500 scholarships this year. Mahalo to Ho’ohana Molokai, Luana Alapa, who donated a check for $1,000 to match the fund, resulting in two $1,000 scholarships awarded to Kamalua Arce, for nursing, and Ohi’aku Ritte-Camara-Tangonan, for business entrepreneurship.

The event also honored three distinguished homesteaders whose servant leadership has mirrored the legacy of Hawaiian Homestead champion Prince Kuhio. The late Winona “Auntie Nona” Ka’awa was represented by her husband Edwin and their beautiful daughters Hau’oli, Lana, Kuulei, and Jay-R. Evangeline “Auntie Ochie” Bush is on HHA’s Kupuna Council and was honored for her leadership in helping to nurture HHA and advocate for Ho’olehua’s homestead beneficiaries. Auntie Nona and Auntie Ochie were instrumental in initiating the HHA Scholarship program in the 1980s, then growing and maintaining it for decades. Through fundraisers and partnerships, they helped many Ho’olehua ‘opio pursue higher education. Former recipients are now educators, nurses, supervisors, managers, farm and business owners thriving in their chosen careers. Hawaiian Homes Molokai Commissioner Zachary Helm was honored for his decades of advocacy for our island’s youth and homestead beneficiaries. His ardent leadership has had an enormous, positive impact on Molokai’s way of life. As commissioner, his passion for homestead beneficiary empowerment has helped advance self-sufficiency among homesteaders across the state.

Mahalo to the many sponsors, donors and kokua who contributed to the success of the event: OHA Board of Trustees, American Savings Bank, the families of Auntie Nona, Auntie Ochie, and Commissioner Helm, ‘Ohana Kamakana, ‘Ohana Ka’awa-English, Weldon and Viola Wichman, Waikiki Resort Hotel (Glenn Vergara), Kamoi Snack-N-Go, Inc., Molokai Drugs, Inc., William Aila, Jr., Kilia and Wailana Avelino-Purdy, Maui Commissioner Randy Awo, Alice Cabael Ka’ahanui, Ronald, U’i , and Reina Cabanting, CJ Caberto, Eden Castillo, County of Maui Environmental Management, CoM Dept of Ag Director Kali Arce, Mayor Richard Bissen, Carla Hanchett, ‘Ohana Kahokuloa, Ka ‘Oha, Kamaka Hawaii, Inc., Kamehameha Schools, Mahiai and Thompson Lopez, Molokai Community Federal Credit Union, Molokai Dispatch (Jack Kiyonaga), Molokai Land Trust, Kelmz Designs, Kauai Commissioner Dennis Nevis, Kunani and Ipo Nihipali, Mokihana Paleka, Rawlins Enterprises, Inc., Jonathan Scheuer, Sust’ainable Molokai, Kala’e Tangonan, Ken and Kahea Tancayo, UH CTAHR, Ho’oia Services (Puni Ignacio), HAYC (Braeden Cabael-Kaahanui, Nazaria Kahinu, Ka’ehuiki Linker Meyers-Moss, Leila and Kailani Pereira, Waihala’i Purdy-Avelino, and Mahina Sagario), Pastor Randy Manley, Phil “Uncle Mango” Stephens, John Aki, and Pili Pa’a (Joshua Adachi, Justin Avelino, and George Aiwohi). Kudos and much appreciation to HHA Board and their families – Charles Ka’ahanui, III, Tricia Mersberg, Fina and Wayne Ka’auwai, Lu Ann Faborito, Justin Avelino, Crissy Pereira, Auntie Ochie, Barbara Kalipi, Helen O’Connor, and Kammy Purdy.



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