Mo’oLono o Molokai News Release
Throughout time, our kupuna have marked the transition of Makahiki season with observations, ceremonies, competitions and festivities. Today, we continue to evolve and pull forward the most meaningful and appropriate traditions of the generations before us, while ensuring we remain relevant, inspiring and profoundly grounded as kanaka to honor our pilina to our kupuna, akua and Molokai.
In that spirit, the Mo’oLono of Molokai will once again commence a ka’ahele across the island, carrying the ki’i of Lonomakua from Halawa to Kaluako’i, and all are invited to join in.
Our goal is to recognize the abundance of blessings in our community, to honor the health of the land, ocean, air and water, to assess the needs that require political, social or physical interventions or remedies, to build aloha between people in our community, and to celebrate Molokai Nui a Hina.
The public is invited to offer ho’okupu along the route, to provide food and nourishment support for walkers, offer pule and kind thoughts, be mindful while driving, take corners carefully and slow down, and call out “Lonoikamakahiki!” when the ka’ahele passes by.
The tentative schedule starts in Halawa on Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 9 a.m. We hope to reach these destinations by the end of each day:
Tuesday, Waialua; Wednesday, Ka’amola; Thursday, Kawela; Friday, Kaunakakai; Saturday, Ho’olehua; Sunday, Kaluako’i.
Lonomakua will be a part of the Ka Molokai Makahiki elementary school competition opening ceremonies at Kaunakakai Ball Field on Jan. 24 at 4 p.m.
The schedule is subject to change for weather or other safety concerns.
If you are kanaka and interested in carrying Lono, please email hoolehuamoon@gmail.com or text 808-646-0705 to include you on the contact list and relay details.
If you would like to be updated with our timing, provide a cell number to be added to a group. We will try our best, but we’re not always in cell signal range.
If you are wanting to present ho’okupu, please let us know where to expect you, and we will try our best to coordinate timing.
Otherwise just listen for the pu! Blessings of prosperity, wisdom and good health for us all.

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