Letter: Walter Ritte, Candidate for OHA At Large Seat
I am running for the At Large seat for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Everyone, Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians, can vote on Nov. 6, General Election Day.
I am not running against Colette Machado for the Molokai seat. If I get elected to the At Large Seat, Molokai will have two OHA trustees. This will be good for Molokai because Colette and I have worked well together in the past, even though we have been on opposite sides on several issues.
Please let your `ohana know that I will need statewide help and support, as there is only one At Large seat and there are six people running for that one seat. This At Large race is turning out to be the most hotly contested race, with the top three candidates being the 16-year incumbent Haunani Apoliona, big time football coach from St. Louis High School Cal Lee, and myself.
I am working hard in this election, and I feel things are going well. Please visit my website, walterritte.com, or check me out on my Facebook page.
Top 10 Molokai issues I would like to work on are:
– Support the Aha Kiole ‘O Molokai.
– A Molokai Shoreline Management Plan.
– Resolve the illegal use by Molokai Ranch of their Well 17 and the Molokai Irrigation System (MIS) transmission system.
– Return the MIS to DHHL.
– Enforce best management farming practices for the seed companies on Molokai.
– Encourage taro farming in Halawa and north shore valleys.
– Support fishpond restoration.
– Encourage Permaculture and organic farming.
– Plant a forest on Maunaloa.
– Have Molokai become its own county (Kalawao).
Walter Ritte

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