Letters: Taking a Stand for Halawa
In response to Halawa camping rules published by Pu’u O Hoku Ranch in the April 4, 2012 issue of The Molokai Dispatch, we, Naki ohana, strongly disagree to the camping stipulations set. As a Kanaka Maoli (Hawaiian) aboriginal of this archipelago of the Hawaiian Islands, we have inheritance rights and are descendants of this ahapua`a of Halawa. As a Hawaiian, you have a right of access to undeveloped Federal, State, and private lands throughout the State of Hawaii for traditional spiritual, cultural, and subsistence purposes.
Under the Constitution Article XII Section 7, Traditional & Customary Rights, the state shall protect all rights, customarily and traditionally exercised for subsistence, cultural and religious purposes and possessed by ahupua`a tenants who are descendants of the native Hawaiians living here prior to 1778. The rights of Hawaii’s indigenous people are protected by state and federal law, confirmed by a 1992 Hawaii Supreme Court decision (Case No. 15373).
Pu`u O Hoku Ranch continues to disrespect us and our property. They illegally removed our campsite and destroyed our property on two occasions. Stop this behavior. No beaches should be gated and locked, denying access for our people. We have done everything in our power to follow the law and make reports to the Molokai Police Department, but our voices and rights have been overlooked and violated.
This aina is for our Kanaka Maoli people. Stop the harassment and denying us the freedom of movement on our own land that includes the right to fish from all crown and government lands without any fear of harassment from laws illegally instituted by the U.S. Those laws were written immediately after the illegal invasion of our Hawaiian archipelago and do not govern nor dictate policies of Kanaka Maoli aboriginal people. “Men may change the laws of the land, but they cannot change the truth.”
The situation with the camping is all about power and control. Just for the record, we are not considered campers, but Kanaka Maoli who are practicing our cultural rights. We stand strong asserting our rights as Kanaka Maoli people to protect and malama the only true Hawaiian island left for our future generation. Molokai, let’s all wake up and take a stand! Stop living in fear – get educated. Ua mau ke ea o ka aina I ka pono (The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness). Imua Molokai!
Palmer, Shrene Naki & Ohana

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