Letters: Golf Tournament
On behalf of the “Heart of Aloha” Church Ohana, we would like to thank all 14 teams that participated in our First Annual Building Fund Golf Tournament on March 31 at the Ironwoods Golf Course. The day turned out to be a beautiful sunny day despite a few sprinkles the day before. A big mahalo also to the following that contributed towards prizes, service and support: Friendly Market, Molokai Drugs, Rawlins Chevron, Hotel Molokai, Take’s, Cocoa Cola Co, Pepsi Co, Mokulele Airlines, Maunaloa General Store, Darryl Rego, Capt. Clay Ching, Dr. Dana Takashima , Lynn and Russell Decoite, Chris Chang, Yvonne Friel , Pat Mostovich, Pro Am Golf Shop and many others that we may have forgotten (forgive us).
Much Blessings,
Pastor Cameron and Jacque Hiro
Heart of Aloha Church

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