Let Sleeping Seals Lie…
By Diane Pike, island coordinator for Marine Mammal Response Team
We’d like to introduce the new Molokai Marine Mammal Hotline to the community. Please report all seal sightings, seal harassment and any marine mammal in distress by calling 553-5555. If you are interested in volunteering for the Marine Mammal Response Team, please call the Hotline to leave a message and we will get back to you. Please help protect our Hawaiian Monk Seal.
Prevent Disturbance
– Seals are wild animals and may bite.
– It is natural for monk seals to haul out for long periods and to dry off.
– State and federal laws prohibit harassment of these animals.
– Do not disturb, feed or otherwise approach seals. Seals may approach people, but always move away to avoid interaction.
– Keep at least 150 feet away, more if encountering a mother an pup.
– Keep dogs leashed and away from seals to avoid injury or disease transmission.

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