Learn to Stand Up Paddle
Youth in Motion News Release
Youth in Motion will be starting up their Stand Up Paddling season from Aug. 18 through Thanksgiving this year. If anyone is interested in joining Youth in Motion for the 2014/15 year, please come down to their beach area at the harbor on Thursdays Aug. 7 and 14 at 6 p.m. for sign up and learn more about the program for the coming year. Swimming will also be introduced in September and again in 2015.
Youth In Motion is also encouraging adults and youth who are interested in volunteering, planning, coordinating, writing, photography and filming to participate in the program so that they can assist with the website, newsletters, videos, social media, and bring back the festival, “A Celebration of Youth Opportunities,” “Na Opio Hana Pa`a.”
There are plenty of fun ideas for the coming year to fit the mission statement, “Empower, Equip, Educate, Challenge and Motivate Youth through activities that engage and develop their mental, emotional, creative and physical skills on the land and in the ocean.”
For more information, please contact Clare Seeger Mawae at clare@youthinmotion.org or 808-336-0946.

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