
Lahaina E Ola

Lahaina is alive forever, with the happy, positive energy and spirit of the past and now. Hope and faith will keep Lahaina alive forever as reborn voices for all our families, friends, neighbors that didn’t survive the wildfire disaster. Reborn with their happy energy and spirit forever, again and again. Rest in peace. We love you all, from all of us. 

Always remember that every day is important and special. In 1970, I came back home after serving our beautiful USA with love and pride for three years. My Hawaiian brothers and sisters told me we were going camping on Maui for a long time. Our sisters knew two brothers from Maui who were owners of the Polynesian show. There was a new hotel having a grand opening in three months at Kaanapali called Maui Surf Hotel. We all were hired to be part of the Polynesian show. So, we found a house to rent in Lahaina Town across the road mauka side of the Banyan Tree. From 1970-74, I’m a native on the stage at night, drumming, dancing, and a salesman during the day in the Whalers Village shopping center. I moved to Napili in 1974 and bought my first house. The rest in history. I have many beautiful memories of love, care and respect for the Lahaina community of the past and now with the beautiful vision of reborn Lahaina. Lahaina e ola again forever. All your beautiful energy and spirit is still e ola in our heart and soul every day and forever. We love you all.

By Saunoa Liva


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