La`au Point a No-Brainer
Molokai Ranch's John Sabas was recently quoted in the Maui News stating that supporting the La'au Point development on Molokai is a "no-brainer."
Ahh, that explains a lot: According to this quote, the executives of Molokai Ranch, and others who support this development, (apparently) have no brains! (Or, at least, are choosing NOT to use the ones they have.)
Thank goodness the rest of us opposing the development are actually using ours to think critically and carefully about this issue. In doing, we recognize that building 200 luxury estates for "pentamillionaires," in a sacred and pristine area, on an island that has critical unresolved water issues, as well as a unique lifestyle her people hope to maintain, is simply not a good idea. (No matter how much of their land Molokai Ranch offers to give inexchange.)
Indeed, if you go a bit further and use your na'au (your gut, your heart) as well as your brain, your too will find that the La'au Point "deal" is simply not pono (not right). Rather, La'au Point is a very special place that needs to be preserved and protected in its natural state – forever.
Mahalo, Kalani Thompson

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