Kupuna Volunteer 15,000 Hours
Seniors enjoy a morning of entertainment and acknowledgement.
By Marie Nowell
After all the long hours and hard work throughout the year, RSVP Volunteers were able to sit back and relax. The volunteers were treated to great entertainment and ono food at the annual Kaunoa’s RSVP Molokai Recognition Luncheon.
Volunteers enjoyed a relaxing morning with opening music by Wahine U’I O Molokai and entertainment by famous local performer Melveen Leed.
The luncheon, held this year at Hotel Molokai, is an annual event for all senior volunteers. It is a time for those to be recognized for all their services and dedication.
The RSVP, Retired & Senior Volunteer Program of Maui County are made up of seniors 50 years of age or older who devote their time in helping the community.
Individuals are open to choose the agencies and activities of interest they would like to take part in. Two key volunteers from the program work together with the agency and volunteer to make good matches for work.
Seniors volunteer at a long list of local agencies including, schools, the Molokai Museum, Molokai Habitat for Humanity, MEO, Natural Conservancy, Credit Union, Planning Commission, Molokai Public Library, Molokai General Hospital and the Lions Club, according to Dana Acosta, Director of RSVP, Kaunoa Senior Services.
The agencies are responsible for recording hours on time sheets and turning them into the Molokai Senior Services. Acosta says “the hours are then reported to the Federal Government, where the program receives support from the Corporation for National and Community Service.”
In the year 2007, 76 Molokai RSVP volunteers logged 15, 221 hours. All the volunteers were recognized at the luncheon on Friday, October 24, 2008.
Please contact Molokai Senior Services at (808) 270-7998 or (808) 270-7986.

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