Kupu ‘Aina Corps Calls for Molokai Participants
Kupu News Release
Kupu, Hawaii’s leading conservation and youth education organization, today announced that applications are now open for the 2024-25 Kupu ʻAina Corps (KAC) program, which is actively seeking host sites and participants for paid opportunities in sustainability-focused sectors like renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and climate adaptation on Hawaii Island, Kauai, Maui, Molokai, Oahu.
KAC participants gain up to a year of paid experience in a sustainability-focused profession, while KAC host sites get the chance to train and grow future leaders for their organization. For participants, the fall Cohort 1 will start on Oct. 7, Cohort 2 will start on Nov. 4, and Cohort 3 will start on Dec. 2.
KAC host sites can include nonprofit organizations, for-profit businesses, and state and county government agencies. This is an ideal program for organizations that are trying to grow and are eager to train emerging professionals. KAC positions are structured as a cost share; therefore, host sites pay only a small fraction of the true cost of adding to their workforce and growing their industry this way.
To date, KAC has provided paid training to 560 participants, generating millions in economic benefits for Hawaii. Graduates of the KAC program have gone on to jobs like GIS specialist, food systems manager, and conservation positions in forestry, trail management, and native/endangered species protection.
The host site priority deadline is Aug. 2, and the form is available at kupuhawaii.tfaforms.net/320. The participant priority application deadline is Aug. 16 and the form can be found at kupuhawaii.tfaforms.net/321.
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