Kanikapila Group Change of Location
KGT News Release
Kanikapila Group Therapy (KGT) will no longer be meeting at the Congregation Church Pavilion in Ho’olehua.
What does KGT do? It is a gathering to play music: kanikapila. You might remember when KGT had weekly gatherings at Coffees of Hawaii in Kualapu’u. KGT meets the first and third Tuesday of every month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. All are welcome to come, whether you play or just want to sit and listen to music.
On June 20 and July 18, KGT will meet at the Lanikeha Community Center in Ho’olehua located by the Ho’olehua Fire Station. There will not be a meeting on July 4 and the announcement of the new location will be made by July 28. Please look for the announcement of the new location on KGT’s Facebook page at bit.ly/kanikapilaGT.

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