Ka Hula Piko 2015 Theme
Halau Hula o Kukunaokala News Release
`Ae no Laka ka mole Ha`a o Ka`ana, `Ae no `Olohe ka mole Lua o Ka`ana. Recognized is Laka the root of Hula of Ka`ana, recognized is `Olohe the root of Lua at Ka`ana.
Each year at Ka Hula Piko we celebrate and honor the traditions and practices of our kupuna (elders) who have gone before us. We strive to educate and enlighten all people about the pre-Western history of Molokai and to perpetuate the legacy of our beloved Kumu Hula, John Ka`imikaua. With great effort we have worked to maintain the integrity of the `ike (knowledge) that was left in our care. As we holomua (move forward) it is befitting that this year’s theme on Laka and `Olohe reminds us of the balance and order in all things that we ‘auamo (take burden for).
Laka and her twin brother `Olohe studied hula under their sister Kapoulakina`u. Not only did they learn the art of hula, but they were also given the kuleana (authority) to care for, to teach, to preserve and to use this special `ike as individually inspired. Laka chose to leave Molokai heading first to Ni`ihau to share the `ike to empower others. Recognizing hula as a gift her family received from Ke Akua (God), Laka traveled to each of the islands imparting knowledge.
`Olohe chose to apply the `ike towards the protection and preservation of life. Using the same movements learned in hula to defend life, `Olohe could cause death. Thus the art of lua was born from his kuleana to protect and preserve life.
May we always honor and respect the origin of our traditions in recognition of those who have come before us.

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