IRS Refund for Tax Credits
By Karen Holt
If you earned any income in 2009, you might qualify to get money from the IRS, even if you don’t owe any taxes. If your income is low enough, you could qualify for “Earned Income Tax Credits.” If you are eligible, the IRS could send you a cash refund – even if you don’t owe any taxes at all! The amount of the credit depends on your family size, and you have to be between the ages of 25 and 65. Here are some examples of tax credit amounts for families with three children, and people with no children:
Married with at least three children: Joint income less than $48,279; Potential tax credit = $5,657
Single with at least three children: Income less than $43,279; Potential tax credit = $5,657
Married with no children: Joint income less than $18,440; Potential tax credit = $457
Single with no children: Income less than $13,440; Potential tax credit = $457
Make sure that you ask for this credit if you file your own tax return! And if you need help, please call the Moloka‘i Community Service Council at 553-3244 and ask for Eliza. MCSC is working with Alu Like and MEO to organize free tax return assistance, if enough people tell us that they need this help.

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