Inquiring Minds
Science fair highlights hard work of students from middle and high schools
By Sean Aronson
Creativity was on display everywhere you looked. From the effectiveness of teeth brushing to the salinity of water in different areas of Molokai, students tested theories and proved hypotheses with the goal of charting new territory.
Last Thursday night’s event took place at the High School and also included student-made projects for sale.
For the last few years, the school has combined their annual holiday sale with the science fair in order increase attendance. Artwork, photographs, plants and t-shirts were for sale. All items were created by students and proceeds benefited the various groups represented.
The science fair projects are completely student driven and much of the work is done out of the classroom, says AP Biology teacher Lee DeRouin.
“It’s a great opportunity for the students to stretch their minds,” says DeRouin.
The projects represented a wide range of experiments from agricultural to cultural and everything in between. In January, about a dozen Molokai students will travel to Maui to compete against other high school students for a spot in the state science fair.
This year’s finalists to represent Molokai include projects about drying macadamia nuts using solar energy, memory retention and the effects of hearing impairment on senior citizens. The finalists were chosen by some twenty community members who judged the projects on scientific merit, creativity and originality.
“This is one of our best years,” declared Middle School Principal Gary Zukeran.
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