I “One-da” for Obama and Ohana
Watching today’s US Congress debate debt ceiling and deficit issues is like a soap opera–“As the World Turns,” “All My Children,” “The Old and Fartless,” and so on. America is in a financial crisis. Our kupuna on fixed income are hurting; middle class, small businesses, education are getting squeezed. We are past the point of “ching chong chinamen sitting on a fence trying to make a dollar out of 15 cents.” President Obama inherited this mess. Plenty of blame to go around.
We are a human ohana – brown, yellow, black, or white—don’t matter what your sight—one size does not fit all—what happens in Congress affects the world, America, Hawaii, and Molokai. For Molokai, there will be less money for education, air traffic controllers, USDA, conservation, Medicaid, etc. American Veterans and citizens–campaign now! Take back the slogan “Made in America.”
Here’s my opinion on recovering this fiscal mess with a five-year plan recipe:
• Immediately stop unnecessary spending.
• All politicians and federal employees including President Obama take 5 percent pay cut.
• All nonprofit including churches pay something in taxes.
• Conclude two wars by January 2012 and leave a small coalition.
• Close tax loop holes from the oil companies and big corporations.
• Millionaires and billionaires like Microsoft Bill Gates, Buffet…ask them to help.
• Institute a national and state lottery—try it for five years.
• Health care system for seniors only like the VA system.
• Money given to other countries—cut in half.
• Countries that export products to America pay 10-20 percent tax.
• All products and services made elsewhere—find a way to make in U.S. Follow the “Made in America” slogan.
• We are the Saudi Arabia of natural gas – we have more in our country than any other place in the world. We should utilize our natural resources.
• People are paying high gas prices now—President Obama, ask the American people for help. Show accountability for funds collected, for example provide a monthly analysis of funds generated from this plan on TV, etc.
• Veterans remember in the heat of a fire fight and when the enemy was near, the commander did not say give me Christians or Muslims, or white or black soldiers only. He said give me all soldiers.
I one-da (the whole, everybody altogether) if Obama follows this recipe, maybe mo bettah for Molokai, Hawaii, and the world ohana.
Larry Helm
Vietnam combat veteran & concerned citizen

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