I Give My Thanks
Fifteen years ago this April, I moved to Molokai. At this difficult time, I have a few comments.
To all who, to the best of their ability, stay at home, use face covering and maintain 6 foot separation, I give my thanks.
To those who stay open to provide take-out food and to those who make grocery shopping possible, I give my thanks.
To those who keep my car and bicycle operating and to those who patrol our streets, I give my thanks.
To those who make it possible to receive our mail and to do our banking, I give my thanks.
To my neighbor who provided an Easter basket and to all other random acts of kindness, I give my thanks.
To all medical personnel and their associates who are available for our individual needs, I give my thanks.
For my acceptance as a member of the Molokai ‘Ohana, I give my thanks.
Until the time when we can shake hands and exchange hugs, hang in there.
God bless,
Michael Grinnell

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