Hospice Cares for You
Bereavement Support
Community Contributed by Barbara Helm, bereavement coordinator
When families have been told that a loved one has a terminal disease and will die, normal feelings and emotions arise. While living life before and after loss, it is important to grieve and travel the journey in a healthy way. Anyone who grieves a loss can use a helping hand and a non-judgmental listening ear.
Hospice reaches out to the general community to anyone in need of bereavement support.
Bereavement Care includes:
• Supporting the patient and family through the dying process (before & after).
• Helping develop grief-management skills.
• Strengthening family support systems.
• Offering individual and group counseling sessions.
• Providing educational materials.
• Making professional or community referrals.
Bereavement Companions: Trained volunteers provide support through phone calls and/or visits to family members and loved ones.
Adult/Children Bereavement Support Groups: Participants can meet in monthly groups on Molokai to share stories and learn ways to express and cope with their grief and loss. All information shared is confidential.
Community Outreach Programs: Hospice can provide training in the school and workplace for community groups.
Family Bereavement Camp on Oahu – June 24, 2011: The annual family bereavement camp includes games, art activities, and outdoor recreation to help families share their losses and heal together.
For more information, would like to talk with someone, or if you have questions, call Barbara Helm, bereavement coordinator, 553-4310 (office) or 336-0261 (cell) or Cathy Karras, patient care coordinator. 553-4310. All conversations respect confidentiality.

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