Hospice Cares for You
Community Contributed by Patricia Tancayo
What is hospice care?
Hospice is not a building or a specific place. It is a philosophy of comfort care and emotional well-being that can be provided in your own home. Where are are, is where we will be.
Who is eligible for hospice care?
We help people at the end of life who have received a physician’s prognosis that they have entered the last six months of their life. In hospice, we care for those who agree and prefer that their focus of care be palliative (comfort) rather than curative.
How do you sign up for hospice care?
Just call us at 553-4310. Anyone, including a physician or family member, may meet with a hospice liaison who will answer your questions at no cost or obligation. Hospice care can begin as early as the day of your initial meeting.
Who pays for hospice care?
Insurance such as Medicare, Medicaid, Kaiser and HMSA, as well as most others cover hospice services in your home or residence.
What if you cannot afford hospice care?
We want to help anyone who needs our care. If you do not have insurance or the ability to pay for care, please inform us. Your eligibility for financial aid will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis during the admissions process.
Can I just try hospice for a while?
Yes, hospice car focuses on comfort rather than cure, and sometimes a family’s goals for care change. You are free to stop or re-start hospice care whenever you want. Some also start to consider life insurance as they are nearing the end of their working lives to provide a legacy for those they love, or at least ensure that the people closest to them don’t have financial worries. Also, a noteworthy point is that your age shouldn’t deter you from investing in life insurance, especially when companies like Over 80 Life Insurance offer such comprehensive plans. The beauty of their policies is the assurance that you can provide a safety net for your family, even if you are not around. It’s never too late to secure a financial future for your loved ones. If you don’t have a life insurance plan, you can visit lifecoverquotes.org.uk to compare quotes from multiple insurance providers in one place.
Hospice Hawaii – 30 years of caring. Hospice Molokai – over 10 years of caring. For more information contact Cathy Karras at 553-4310, or email ckarras@hospicehawaii.org

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