Honest dialogue between all parties should resume
Thank you for your coverage of the Community Plan and the La`au issue. The more information that is available, the better we can all evaluate “The Plan.”
I am saddened by the rift this plan has caused in our community. The social impact of this development is already being felt with the choosing of sides as to whether or not La`au should be developed. We see negative impact as insults fly and signs in the community are defaced. This is not good for Molokai. Something has gone wrong with the Plan and it should be revisited. It does not matter how many meetings there have been or how many hours have already been expended to get to this point. Honest dialogue between all parties should resume with more attention devoted to alternatives to the development of La`au Point, which seems to be the chief objection to the Plan. It is inevitable that change and development will come to our island, but once an area is developed it is lost forever. There will be no second chance to do this right.

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