Hawaiians Ku`e
This is a call for Hawaiians to come together to Kuka Kuka. Foreign values based on commercial gains and profits are having a devastating impact on our islands and ocean resources, threatening the future of our mo`opuna. Hawaiians have kuleana as taught to us in the mo`olelo of Haloa the Kalo.
In order to honor our kuleana, we need to know what is going on. We will have knowledgeable speakers and government representatives, and we have invited the head of DLNR, the head of DBEDT and the head of Molokai Ranch.
We also need to get off our okoles and lokahi. Join us in our first Kuka Kuka at the Mitchell Pauole Center on Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2011 starting at 6 p.m.
We will address the following two issues: 1. The Aha Moku/Aha Kiole Governance Law: with Vanda Hanakahi, Wayde Lee, Karen Poepoe, DLNR (Hawaiian leadership in resource management); 2. Windmills on Molokai: with Walter Ritte, Karen Holt, Peter Nicolas, DBEDT (Molokai’s future is on the line).
Sponsored by Hui Ho`opakele Aina.
Walter Ritte

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