Hawaiians and Molokai
The majority of the population on the island of Molokai is Hawaiians. Hawaiians are not attending public meetings, therefore the future of this island are being left in the hands of the minority. Hawaiians have a kuleana to protect their culture and island. You cannot do your kuleana without participation and knowledge. The Hawaiians Ku`e advertisment in this paper is a call to come together. We need to lokahi to help each other and our Island during these tough economic times.
Molokai Hawaiians are the state leaders in the Aha Moku/Aha Kiole Movement, which is a traditional system of managing our precious natural resources. These leaders and the new director of the state Department of Land and Natural Resources Mr. Bill Aila will let you know what is going on (knowledge). Success for Hawaiians is dependent upon your willingness to get out of your house and go to the Jan 26 KukaKuka.
Molokai is the new oil field for the wind energy profiteers. Is this a curse or a blessing? Is Kamakani a “cultural” resource or a “commodity”? Should we “share” this resource or will Oahu just come and “take” it? It takes knowledge (knowing what is going on) to make good decisions. The director of the state Department of Business and Economic Development, the boss of Molokai Ranch and local leaders will have knowledge to share.
E `olu`olu `oe, encourage those who normally do not participate to answer the call to Ku`e, to come find out “what is going on.” We all care about each other and about Molokai, but that is not enough, you need to embrace your kuleana. Join us in our first KukaKuka at Mitchell Pauole Center on Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2011 starting at 6 p.m.
Walter Ritte

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