Hawaiian organizations to picket OHA & DHHL
Hui Ho’opakele Aina along with several homestead associations will be picketing the Molokai offfices of the Department Of Hawaiian Home Lands and The Office Of Hawaiian Affairs. Picketing will begin Wed 7:00 a.m. on Oct 25 at Kulana O Iwi complex.
DHHL and OHA have turned their backs on their Hawaiian constituents and joined the Developers of a 200 million dollar beachfront development, which threatens Hawaiian cultural life style and water reserves of Molokai homesteaders.
OHA Trustee Colette Machado, and DHHL Commissioner Milton Pa have joined the Developers, to the detriment of their Hawaiian constituents, whom they have taken an oath to serve.
DHHL has refused requests to attend several public gatherings held by Molokai Homestead associations on this issue of La’au Point Development. DHHL has refused to take a position on protecting the water reserves of Molokai Homesteaders from the La’au Point Development. Commissioner Milton Pa and trustee Colette Machado have appeared in Molokai Ranch’s pubic relations video supporting the La’au Development. This development’s water needs will increase Molokai Ranch’s water consumption to three times the amount used by Molokai homesteaders.
We expect OHA to withdraw their resolution of support for the La’au Point Development, intervene in Molokai Ranches LUC application for rezoning La’au Point and provide funding for legal assistance to those other organizations who are intervening.
We expect commissioner Milton Pa to stop his public support of the La’au development and to take a stand protecting our water reserves.
We expect Micah Kane to take a position opposing this development and provide legal staff to protect the water rights of Molokai homesteaders in Molokai Ranches application to the LUC for the La’au Point Development.
We encourage voters not to vote for any OHA incumbents, all of which have signed the support resolution for the La’au Development.
Please call Walter Ritte 1 808 5580111 or cell 3360510 for more info.

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