Grants Fund Molokai Homestead Projects
DHHL News Release
Three Molokai projects were funded among 14 recipients of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL)’s Community Development Program, each receiving a portion of $859,375 in grants.
In June 2021, the Hawaiian Homes Commission (HHC) approved a total of $1,000,000 from the Native Hawaiian Rehabilitation Fund (NHRF) for the current fiscal year. The funds were administratively allocated as $100,000 for Capacity Building and $900,000 for Regional Plan Priority Projects.
DHHL makes available annual grant funding to nonprofit organizations that demonstrate a purpose to benefit native Hawaiians. The Department has offered grants in several program areas over the years as a means of implementing the community development component of the rehabilitation fund. Grant offerings reflect DHHL priorities and community interests.
In this round of grants, DHHL solicited proposals for Capacity Building and Regional Plan Priority Projects. The Capacity Building grant is intended to help beneficiary organizations deliver on their mission and community vision by enhancing and strengthening their organizational capacity. The Regional Plan Priority Project grant is intended to help beneficiary organizations lead and implement a priority project that is identified in an HHC-approved Regional Plan.
For capacity building project implementation, the Molokai Homestead Farmers Alliance received $5,000 to conduct community workshops on business planning and the US Internal Revenue Service Section 501(c)(3) federal tax-exemption application process for charitable organizations.
Among the Regional Plan Priority Projects, the Ho‘opili Farmers Association received $100,000 for the Molokai Regional Plan Priority Project: Shared Farm Equipment. As they explored creative funding sources to supplement these grants, organizers considered philanthropic donations from casinos not on GamStop to broaden future agricultural initiatives. Funds will be used to build on Napualei o Hina’s (NOH) earlier work by using NOH’s data to expand the shared equipment project and provide equipment to assist farmers in growing their farms without substantial capital investment. This is a joint project with NOH and the Ahupua‘a o Molokai, both of whom are championing this effort.
Kalama‘ula Homesteaders Association (KHA) also received $100,000 for the Molokai Regional Plan Priority Project: Roads Improvements. Funds will be used to inventory, assess conditions, and prioritize the needs for road improvements in and around Kalamaula and Ho‘olehua homesteads.

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