Governor’s Molokai Community Advisory Council to Discuss Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative
The Governor’s Moloka‘i Community Advisory Council will meet on Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 3 p.m. at the Kulana O‘iwi, DHHL / OHA Conference Room, 600 Maunaloa Highway, Kaunakakai. The public is invited.
Joshua Strickler, facilitator of renewable energy projects, from the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, will discuss the Lingle-Aiona Administration’s work to achieve energy independence through the Hawai‘i Clean Energy Initiative (HCEI). Strickler will address the recent agreement between Castle & Cooke, First Wind Hawai‘i, and Hawaiian Electric that could lead to large wind farms on Moloka‘i and Lāna‘i which will provide clean energy to O‘ahu. Noelani Kalipi, director of government and community relations for First Wind, will brief the council on the company’s wind farm proposal for Moloka‘i.
The agreement is part of the HCEI, a partnership between the State of Hawai‘i and the U.S. Department of Energy that seeks to move Hawai‘i toward having 70 percent of its energy come from clean energy sources by 2030.
Governor Linda Lingle created community advisory councils to give the neighbor islands a stronger voice in state government. The Moloka‘i Community Advisory Council holds public meetings each month to seek community input and advise the Governor of important issues in Moloka‘i. The Council also recommends potential nominees for state boards and commissions.
The members of the Governor’s Moloka‘i Community Advisory Council are Robert Granger, Janice Kalanihuia, Jersula Manaba, and Marlene Purdy.
Anyone requiring special assistance or accommodations to participate at this meeting may call (808) 586-0034. For additional information on Neighbor Island Community Advisory Councils, including meeting minutes and agendas, visit the Governor’s Web site at

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