GMO Labeling Campaign
Community Contributed
Opinion by Walter Ritte
Let me explain why an old guy from Molokai is flying to Oahu and helping to lead a charge for labeling. Molokai is paying the true cost for this “cheap” genetically modified organism – or GMO – food. Our best farm lands are being turned into dust bowls. Soil is not only blowing out into the sea but is being washed by rain down onto our reefs. In the dust are powerful chemicals which are blowing into our cars, schools, kupuna housing, daycare center, County Baseball Park, Molokai Community College, and hundreds of homes. If this is happening to our island, it must be happening on other islands, we all have na`au to aloha aina, and kuleana, to malama aina.
An initiative called Label It Hawaii has a goal to get a Labeling Law passed in Hawaii next year.
We plan to start now in organizing for next year, as the GMO corporations have a huge grip on our Legislature. We believe it is your right to choose what foods you want to feed your family.
We also believe that labeling will finally allow us to track the negative impacts GMOs have on our health.
A council hearing regarding Resolution 12-57, “Urging the State of Hawaii and the FDA to Require the Labeling of GMOs” was held in Kapolei on April 25.

Knowledge is power. Labeling may be a good thing, but not if it unnecessarily deprives people of jobs, raises the cost of living for those who do not, or cannot live off the land, and costs the tax payers more money.
I believe we need less laws – not more laws. Look at the Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Are there traffic laws, tax laws, labeling laws in there? No there is not. The problem is where you have “a lot of love,” you need little law; where you have “little love,” you need a lot of laws. Who has more love? The “Label It” folks, the GMO producers, the state legislature, Walter Ritte?
I am not judging or condemning anyone. Just asking some questions.
Uncle Walter Ritte is doing what is pono. We have the RIGHT TO KNOW what we eat.
The excuse that labellng will deprive people of jobs, raises the cost of living and so on is bs. Almost all food have labels. It’s not going to cost more to put in a few more words – GMO or non-GMO. Please don’t fall for the nonsensical excuses that corporations like Monsanto are spewing out. We need to be more akamai.
The corporations are not going to look out for our health. They are after profits.
Aloha Honolulu,
Here is a link about a similar campaign in California:
Dr Mercola recently published an article on his web site titled “Something Historical is About to Happen – But Your Participation is Critical” It is about the how the state of California is trying to pass a “Right to Know” law that would require labeling of GMO’s foods. Per Mercola, “California has the 8th largest economy in the world, so passing a labeling law for GMO foods in California can have the same impact as passing a federal law. He further states that, “Large food companies are unlikely to accept having dual labeling. It would be an expensive, logistical nightmare.” He believes that if the California law passes, all states will benefit. There is a lot more info in the article and may be worth your reading .
I adopted a “clean eating” lifestyle a year ago. I no longer eat most grains, GMO foods and only eat meat and dairy from organic, grass fed sources. I have lost 36 lb, countless inches, have tons of energy, clear skin and healthy hair! The mainstream food supply and government food pyramid is what is making us sick. Proper nutrition, created in nature, not a laboratory is medicine. Even though I live in Massachusetts, this issue is near and dear to me. I wish Hawaii luck with the passage of this initiative!
Walter’s plan to get all industry out of Molokai. What is your plan for the land? Where will people work?? Lot talk but No plan for jobs by Walter and company. Stop the no,no,no and say this is a good plan that will provide jobs and dignity to our Ohanas. So what the plan Walter?
Just another old guy
What would you suggest,? Every proposal we stumbled upon (never done openly) was in the best interest of Molokai. It would provide jobs and dignity to our families here, but… Its the “but” that continues to be totally against the morals of this land and people. Short term solutions, long-term problems. Weight the benefits against what the sacrifices will be. If you are willing to make that sacrifice, than come forward and support whatever so-called economic solution is proposed for Molokai. You take the responsibility only until you pass on, thereafter it belongs to our kids..
CT also had a bill which would have required labeling of genetically modified foods. The bill died after Monsanto threatened to sue the state if it passed. What kind of company doesn’t want you to know that you’re eating their products? Something is very wrong here. Not only are GMO’s bad for our health, but they are also destroying our precious environment. Unfortunately, CT does not have the laws in place for us to do a ballot initiative. So, one angry mom in Connecticut (that would be me 🙂 started a consumer email initiative to bombard food manufacturers with emails asking if their products contain GMO’s. I’m going to round up 5,000 before we start emailing. If the FDA won’t label it, we will! We’re at about 650, now, so I hope you’ll join us and spread the word. The group is on both Facebook and in Yahoo Groups. Here are the links:
All the best to our friends in Hawaii – together we can get this done!
Diana Reeves