Give Input on Electric Utility Planning
HECO News Release
Meetings have been scheduled across the state to receive public comment on Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) by Hawaiian Electric, Maui Electric and Hawaii Electric Light Company. The utilities’ goal is to file an Integrated Resource Planning Report for each company with the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (PUC) by June 28, 2013. The Molokai meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 13 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Mitchell Pauole Center (note the later time than what was earlier announced.)
According to the PUC, the goal of integrated resource planning is to “develop an action plan that governs how the utility will meet energy objectives and customer energy needs consistent with state energy policies and goals.” At the same time, it “seeks to provide safe and reliable utility service at a reasonable cost, through the development of Resource Plans and Scenarios of possible futures that provide a broader long-term perspective.”
“We recognize the great interest many people have in our energy future so we are hosting these meetings to listen to comments and obtain further input,” said Colton Ching, Hawaiian Electric vice president for system operation and planning. “Comments can also be posted on line but we know many prefer to have their say in person. There will be another opportunity for public comment in April or May when the scenario plans are finalized.”
The PUC initiated the latest round of integrated resource planning in March 2012 and named Carl Freedman of Maui- based Haiku Design & Analysis as the commission’s “independent entity” to oversee the process. The commission also named a 68-member IRP Advisory Group composed of representatives from diverse locations and organizations in Hawaii to provide public input to the Hawaiian Electric utilities in the planning process.
Scenarios under development for Hawaii’s energy future are described in detail among the complete IRP documents available online at In brief, the scenarios are:
Blazing a Bold Frontier: High oil prices and policies supporting clean energy resources.
Stuck in the Middle: Moderate but growing oil prices with uncertain public policy regarding clean energy resource and infrastructure implementation.
No Burning Desire: Lower oil prices with waning policy support for clean energy.
Moved by Passion: Moderate but growing oil prices with aggressive clean energy policies.
The utilities will consider comments in preparation of energy resource action plans that will be presented for further public comment in the spring of 2013.

Every time evergy comes up, we should all go read a viewpoint article on this.–Plans-for-Hana- are-cause-for-concern.html
Now let it sink in, then come back and read it again.