The Future of Health Care
While the nation grapples with a new health care insurance reform, closer to home Molokai students are taking health care into their own hands. Last week Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) – Hawaii Chapter had their fifth annual competition, discussing and competing in CPR and first aid abilities, as well as spelling of healthcare occupations.
Senior Candice Pauole, junior Edwin Mendija, and sophomore Nika Mendija attended the competition in Oahu with their advisor and health teacher, John Van Ornum. While none of the Molokai High School students placed in the top three, Van Ornum said was proud of their performance against over 500 other participants. Mika came in second place last year, but wasn’t able to make it to the national competition; this year she competed in dental spelling. Her brother Edwin competed in medical spelling, and Pauole in human growth and development.
More information can be read in next week’s Dispatch.

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