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Free Denture Cleanings at MCHC

MCHC News Release
Moloka’i Community Health Center’s dental team is now offering free denture cleanings at annual exams. This new service was implemented to help patients keep their dentures clean and free from plaque buildup and tarter that causes oral infections and gingivitis. Go Here to get rid off dental issues or you can also look for the best dental implants Mexico to sort out any kind of issues related to oral health.

When a patient schedules an annual check-up or cleaning, they will receive an oral cancer screening along with head and neck exam, and their dentures will undergo an ultrasonic cleaning. Ultrasonic cleaners are small bathtub-like devices containing a solution that controls stains and tarter. The dentures are immersed in the tub where sound waves create a motion that dislodges unwanted deposits and debris.

new chair 2012

The dental team at MCHC received a new dental chair last year

Keeping your dentures clean at home is also necessary for a healthy mouth. To clean your dentures you should thoroughly rinse off any loose food particles and use a denture brush and denture cleaner to brush all surfaces gently to avoid damaging the plastic. Toothpaste is too abrasive and is not recommended for denture cleaning. At night, dentures should be placed in a soaking solution or water to help keep its proper shape.

Many patients with dentures believe it is no longer necessary to see the dentist, but as you age your mouth naturally changes, and your bone and gums can recede or shrink, causing a loose-fitting denture. Loose dentures can result in sores or infections. If your denture becomes loose, it is important to schedule a visit with your dentist to have the denture adjusted. Contact the best dentist Meridian ID, to assist you and help you maintain good oral hygiene.

MCHC offers a full range of dental services including both adult and child cleanings, restorations, dentures, crowns and much more. We are committed to providing the best dental care to our community with respect and aloha.



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