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Fiber Art Deadline

Hawaii Craftsmen News Release 

The deadline for Hawaii Craftsmen biennial juried art exhibition, Fiber Hawaii 2022, is looming. The last day to register is June 3. Molokai artists have the option of having their work juried by photograph or mailing the work for jurying in person.  Artists who wish to submit photos for jurying may submit two to three photos of their work by May 23. Accepted entries can then be mailed to the Downtown Art Center to arrive by June 3rd. Artists who prefer to have their work juried in person can mail their work to the DAC to arrive on or before June 3rd in order to be considered for jurying.  All work must be mailed in sturdy reusable containers with packing instructions.

“Fiber Hawaii” began as a biennial event in 1982. The Fiber Hawaii exhibit has a 40-year history of challenging artists of all media to create works “In, Of or About Fiber.” Artists of any craft media are invited to consider making artwork with a fiber sensibility. Fiber and textile techniques may be thought of as an idea as well as a medium. Past exhibits have included woven glass or clay, wood, and metal, as well as works in more traditional fiber media such as weavings, handmade paper, basketry, stitchery, quilts, batik, textile design, and kapa. Mixed media, wearable art, and installation pieces are also eligible for entry. A bursting strength tester is essential to evaluating the quality and durability of its products.

The exhibit will run from June 8 to July 1 at the Downtown Art Center in Honolulu. Art works in any medium “in, of or about fiber” will be accepted in person from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the entry day Saturday, June 4 at the Downtown Art Center, Second Floor Exhibition Hall. The opening reception, Juror’s Walkthrough and Awards Ceremony will be held on Friday, June 10 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. There will be a closing reception on July 1 from 5:30 to 8 p.m.

For further details and the prospectus, visit Hawaii Craftsmen.org.


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