Farmers Football Dominates
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Hundreds of fans cheered a mean, green touchdown-scoring machine last Saturday, as the Molokai High School (MHS) club football team blanked visiting Seabury Hall in the first matchup of the season.
“It felt good – it was an exciting game,” said sophomore Noah Caparida. “We’re looking like a real team.”
“I liked the intensity on our team,” added senior Keola Demelo, a quarterback. “We learned how to be a team and unified as one.”
Although the tams did not keep score because the game was played in a controlled scrimmage format, the Farmers made more than 10 trips into the end zone while holding the Spartans at bay.
And they did so in style, debuting new Farmer green uniforms with white numbers on the front and back. Junior Dhavin Spencer-Basa remembered playing last year’s game in donated uniforms, which the team haphazardly dyed green; this year, the team paid for their shiny new digs entirely through their own fundraising efforts.
“Everybody did what they had to do [on the field] – plus, we look good,” Spencer-Basa said, smiling.
The Farmers dominated from the first whistle, as Caparida’s and Koa Traxler-Ortiz’s early rushing set up Caparida to drive it down the left sideline for game’s first touchdown. Demelo followed through with the two-point conversion.
After Seabury’s offense took the field, Traxler-Ortiz picked up a fumble to return it for another touchdown, followed by Jayven Tabilangan spinning away from the Spartan defense to run it in for the score.
Molokai’s control continued throughout the day, as senior David Kaai used a heavy hit on the right side and freshman Sheyden Kaholoaa earned a big sack to deny Seabury’s attempts at creating momentum.
“The boys were really excited and hungry to play,” said Farmers Head Coach Mike Kahale, adding the controlled scrimmage format allowed the entire 30-man roster playing time and a chance to learn from the experience. “I’m really proud of the defense” for holding Seabury scoreless, he said, adding it was truly a team effort.
Kahale and Seabury Coach Andrew Burger were both happy to see the sportsmanship and learning on the field. In addition to the traditional post-game handshake, both squads chanted together after the game and cheered each other’s names.
“Both sides were playing hard but it was really good to see the sportsmanship after the whistle,” said Burger, who thanked the Farmer team, coaches and community for hosting the game. “The kids had fun.”
The Farmers travel to St. Anthony Oct. 1 for their first regular game. They will play another controlled scrimmage against Seabury on Maui Oct. 15 before returning to the MHS field to host St. Anthony in a season-ending regular game on Oct. 22.
If all goes to plan, the Farmers will become sanctioned by the Maui Interscholastic League next year; until then, fundraising efforts – including a Krispy Kreme drive – are ongoing to fund uniforms, travel expenses and helmets. For more information, visit the Molokai High Farmers Football Facebook Page or email

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