Draw a Picture, Save Some Water
The Department of Water Supply (DWS) is now accepting applicants for its second annual Water Conservation Poster Contest for students in Maui County. Entry deadline is March 18, 2011, and the contest is open to public, private and home-schooled students from kindergarten to 12th grade.
Every student who creates and submits an entry will receive a Certificate of Participation. First place winners will receive U.S. Savings Bonds of $100, second place $75 and third place $50. A total of 18 prizes will be awarded with first, second and third prizes presented to winners in each competition level.
The department’s goal is to educate Maui County’s students on the importance of water conservation and encourage them to take an active role in ensuring the sustainability of Maui County’s water. “Save Water Maui County” is this year’s theme. Roughly the same amount of water exists on earth today as when it first formed on the planet. Our community’s increased demand for water and continuing drought conditions make it critical that we all do our part to conserve water.
Students may mail or drop off their entry and application form to the Department of Water Supply Water Resources and Planning Division at 59 Kanoa Street in Wailuku (the Hokama Building), or to the Deputy Director’s office on the fifth floor of the Kalana O Maui Building in Wailuku. Information and application forms are available at www.mauiwater.org or by calling the Water Resources and Planning Division at 244-8546

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