Don’t Throw Away Your Phonebooks
Think Yellow, Go Green Recycling Contest
Berry, Hawaiian Telcom News Release
The race is on to see what island’s schools can collect the most telephone directories per student to win cash prizes. Berry and Hawaiian Telcom Yellow Pages (HTYP) are once again challenging local schools to Think Yellow, Go Green and reduce their environmental footprint. Berry is kicking off its yellow pages recycling program, Think Yellow, Go Green (TYGG), on behalf of HTYP. Forty-five schools on the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, Lanai, Maui and Molokai are competing in the contest.
“If you lined up last year’s 16 tons of recycled directories, it would stretch one-and-a-half miles long, end to end,” said Scott Szczekocki, client services regional director for Berry, publisher of HTYP directories.
May 1, 2010 marked the kickoff of the month-long program. With the new 2010 HTYP directories distributed in April, it’s the ideal time to recycle outdated yellow pages at participating schools. Directories will also be accepted during specific hours at the recycling centers – on Molokai, Makoa Trucking will be accepting the yellow pages May 15 and 29, from 8 a.m. – noon.
The top schools on Molokai have the opportunity to collect $500 for first place, $300 for second place and $200 for third place.
At the close of the competition on May 31, 2010, the recycled directories will be shipped to Island Shell in
Honolulu, Hawaii. The phone books will then be converted into oil-absorbent materials and used to manufacture home insulation and mulch for companies such as Green Lava Hydro-Mulch and InCide Pest Control Cellulose Insulation.
For a list of participating schools or to find more information on Berry and the recycling program, visit or

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