County Emergency Rules Mandate Staying at Home
County of Maui News Release
Mayor Michael Victorino announced a “stay at home and work from home” amendment to the Public Health Emergency Rules in an effort to fight the spread of COVID-19.
The amendment is effective at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, March 25. The new order will be in effect until April 30.
“The health and safety of our community has always been my top priority and I believe we need
to take bold actions if we are to stop the spread of this virus,” Mayor Victorino said. “I am ordering all our residents to stay at home and our visitors to stay in their rooms as much as possible. Critical services and operations will continue, and everyone will still be able to get groceries and essential supplies.
“However, we need to work together and continue to take care of each other with compassion and care.”
Order to Stay/Work from home:
• Stay at home or place of lodging except for “essential activities,” “essential businesses” or “government operations”
• Where possible, County of Maui departments will employ tele-work and other methods to provide distancing, while ensuring continuity of services
• NO public or private gatherings outside the home
Essential activities include:
• Essential to maintain health and safety, like getting medicine or seeing a doctor
• Getting food, pet food, and supplies necessary for staying at home
• Doing solitary outdoor activity, such as walking, hiking, or running
• Performing work to operate an essential business or essential government function (defined below)
• Caring for a family member in another household
• Caring for elderly, minors, dependents, person with disabilities, or other vulnerable persons
• Travel limited to essential activities or operation of essential business or essential government function.
Government and private services or businesses that may remain open:
• First responders, emergency management personnel, emergency dispatchers, law enforcement and County of Maui personnel
• Healthcare operations, including home health workers
• Essential infrastructure, including operation of public transportation and utilities
• Grocery stores, food banks, convenience stores
• Businesses that provide necessities of life for economically disadvantaged individuals and shelter facilities
• Pharmacies, health care supply stores, and health care facilities
• Gas stations, auto repair facilities, and auto supply stores
• Financial institutions
• Refuse collection
• Hardware, lumber, and building materials stores
• Maintenance service providers, like plumbers, electricians, exterminators necessary to maintain safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences and businesses
• Laundromats and laundry service providers
• Businesses that primarily ship or deliver groceries, food and goods
• Childcare facilities that enable essential employees to go to work
• Newspapers, television, radio, and other media
• Construction and maintenance, public and private
• Agricultural operations
• Businesses that supply other essential business with support or supplies necessary to operate
• Business conducting legally mandated activities
• Businesses that provide food, shelter, and other necessities of life for animals, including animal shelters, rescues, kennels, and adoption facilities
• Funeral, mortuary, cremation, burial, cemetery, and related services, provided, the services provided must comply with Social Distancing Requirements at all times reasonably possible
• Public and private K-12 schools, colleges, and universities for distance learning and essential functions
• Businesses needed to support essential governmental or essential business functions
• Hotels, motels and support services
Public and private facilities and businesses required to close:
• All businesses not listed as “essential businesses”
• Restaurants and cafes will be allowed to provide takeout and delivery service
• Bars, nightclubs, theaters, public gathering venues, and tourist attractions
• Gyms, recreation facilities, and other places of public gathering, regardless of size
• County parks, golf course and beach parks are ordered closed
Violation of the rules is punishable as a misdemeanor, with fines of up to $5,000, up to a year in jail, or both.
“Decisive action is needed to stem the spread of COVID-19 and protect our healthcare resources, our hospital beds, respirators and the health and safety of doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals,” Mayor Victorino said. “I humbly ask all of us to do our part to flatten the curve and come together as a community.”
For more information, visit the County of Maui’s website at

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