Contribute a story to The Molokai Dispatch
Aloha, use this page to contribute content to the Molokai Dispatch and be sure to leave your name and contact information so that your content can be considered for print. Also consider the following guidelines:
News Release: 450 word max
A news release is an official announcement to the media or public from an organization, business or department. It favorably highlights and briefly describes the who, what, when, where and why of an event or product. Don’t forget to include the name of your group or organization for the by-line.
Letter to the Editor: 350 word maximum
A letter to the editor can include expressing your opinion, responding to a story printed in the Dispatch, or a community mahalo. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication.
Community contributed story: 500 word max
This type of story is factual, well-written and provides objective information about a newsworthy issue or event. Please provide the sources of your information within the story (said so-and-so, according to such-and-such). Story ideas may be discussed beforehand with the editor.
Opinion: 400 word max
An opinion piece is a well-formed view or belief relevant to the Molokai community. Even if the information presented is factual, but expresses some opinion on the material, it fits in this section.
Columns: 400 word max
A column is a regular, themed contribution by a community member or organization. The information must be factual and relevant to the public, and ideas may be discussed with the editor.
Births, Obituaries & Announcements: 200 word max
Whether you’re celebrating the birth of a new son or daughter, memorializing the passing of a loved one, or making an important announcement to the community – the Molokai Dispatch has you covered.