Congratulations, Hiros

Congratulations to Hiro’s Ohana Grill for your family’s five years of serving delicious kaukau for our community and visitors that are coming to enjoy the beauty of our Molokai happy, rich, simple lifestyle. We want to keep it that way. I enjoyed the wonderful music and sweet sound of all the musicians at the anniversary event. Great to see Makaha Sons again, beautiful memories. Food, broke da mouth. Staff and all the workers did a very fantastic job to welcome everybody, serve with a beautiful smile of aloha. What a great way to celebrate our own five years having fun at Hiro’s. Very special. 

Hiros, continue doing amazing job of serving our community and visitors. Good things always follow next five years and many more. Much mahalo for a lovely party with positive smile, rich energy and spirit. 

Saunoa Liva



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