Computers Come to Kilohana
A wonderful gift arrived at Kilohana School last month – a computer for every fourth through sixth grade student to use in the classroom! This was a great development because our computers were beginning to have some problems. Now we can use our new computers everyday for every subject, which that makes learning more fun.
We would like to thank David Wu, from the Office of Information Technology Services, who coordinated the transfer to Kilohana, including packing the computers and arranging for their delivery with the help of Corey Chun from the Information System Services Branch; Mr. Lindsay Ball, Complex Area Superintendent, who announced that the computers were available, and then recommended that Kilohana be given this valuable resource; Island Air, who transported and delivered the computers for free. Special thanks to Island Air Molokai Station Manager Tina Gruber, and Kim Ryan at the Island Air Honolulu Station who together worked out all the details to bring the laptops to Molokai, and to Kolo Place who volunteered to bring them to Kilohana; Alison Place, Molokai Complex School Renewal Specialist, who worked tirelessly coordinating the packing, shipping, and delivery with everyone involved; Ayla Kalawe who installed all the necessary software and security features to make the computers ready for our students; and finally a special thanks to Mr. Stevens, Kilohana School principal, for jumping at the opportunity to get these wonderful computers in the hands of our upper grade students.
Thanks to everyone who helped our school get these great learning tools for our classroom.
Tadeu Lima
Kilohana Student Council

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