Close-knit Community
When you turn on Kolapa Street past the community swimming pool, do you get da urge to turn right at da entrance shaded by two big shady trees on each side? It’s da entrance to the Home Pumehana residence, a home of our kupuna. It houses the oldies but goodies. Singles and couples alike live a unique lifestyle that is pleasant and full of aloha. They are allowed to grow plants outside the units to enhance the living space. If there were no plants for kupuna to plant, you can imagine how empty all the front yards would look. The majority at Home Pumehana know who their neighbors are, so there’s no loneliness, being alone, depression or emptiness. You can see sharing, helping, hookipa, laulima, lokahi, kupono, alu alu, etc. On certain days of each month, the hall for events serve lunch so that more socializing takes place. On these days, the ohana of residents residing outside are welcomed to eat, visit friends and relatives. To me, Monday, Wednesday and Friday bring added events to the hall; ukulele, hula halaus and classes from outside community use the hall for practice making free entertainment possible for all in the complex!
At the same time, there is peace and quiet for residents who choose to make use of time enjoying the quiet lifestyle, too. Individuals with health issues also have a place in Home Pumehana. I observe caregivers, housekeeping and medical staff from our General Hospital catering to many clients. If there were a contest held for best grounds keeping, the crew there would win hands down. Same for maintenance employees. Both of the departments come to beautify this complex from the major community outside. One day in my retirement, Home Pumehana will be my choice.
Yes, this is certainly a community within the community. Gmail me at and give me feedback on your mana`o about dis place.
Aloha ke
Char Preza

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