Checking in with the PALS gang
As the Play And Learn Sessions (PALS) came to an end last Tuesday, January 10, leader Luana Alcon and her team bade their students, aged between 5 and 12, a fond farewell at the Mitchell Paole Center.
The PALS program addresses students’ physical, social, cultural, and educational needs during summer and intersession breaks when school is out.
Until asked what their favorite activity was, the children seemed remarkably calm and well behaved. Then they burst into life, shouting at once “kickball,” “movies,” “crafts,” in an almost unrecognizable jumble of words.
“We try to make it enjoyable for the kids as it’s the safest place for them to be,” Luana said. She then lowered her voice and shared “they actually learned while they thought they were playing!”
Don’t tell the kids.
PALS is run as part of the year round school program in association with the Parks and Recreation Department. Although the history of year-round schooling in America dates back to the Seventeenth century, it began in Hawaii in 1988 with Waihe‘e Elementary School on Maui. Since then, it has been implemented in all four elementary schools on Molokai.
Grateful appreciation goes out to all the staff members of PALS. Their next session begins in the spring, running from March 19th – 30th. Call 553-3204 for more information.

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