
Molokai and Hawaii – Island Politics

SB2785 Passes the Senate

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

Community Contributed

Mahalo to all those who testified in opposition to Senate Bill 2785, a bill which, according to legislators, provides a framework for Big Wind. Legislatures commented about all your calls, letters, visits and emails – we got their attention.

The bill passed at the very last minute, with acknowledgements of our concerns. The senate floor discussion on SB2785 centered on opposition from Lanai and Molokai. Senators Hee, Chun Oakland and Slom voted “no”, and we congratulate and thank them for having courage to say NO. Ten senators voted “with reservations,” which means that a majority of the Senate had problems with this bill.…

IAM Launches International Petition to Stop Undersea Cable

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

I Aloha Molokai News Release

I Aloha Molokai (IAM) has launched a worldwide petition to stop Gov. Neil Abercrombie’s multi-billion-dollar Big Wind Interisland Cable boondoggle. Gov. Abercrombie, Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) and some House and Senate members are now finalizing legislation that would allow the project to fast-track without sufficient environmental analysis or public review.

Noting the project’s huge potential impacts on whales and “critically endangered Hawaiian monk seals – one of the rarest marine mammals in the world – as well as five species of sea turtles, three species of dolphins, and hundreds of other marine species,” the petition adds that the project “will be rubber-stamped without due process – without public input from residents of Hawaii and, not to mention, everyone worldwide who wants to protect whales, sea turtles, seals, and dolphins.”…

Kualapu`u School Receives $2.75M for Improvements

Friday, April 27th, 2012

Rep. Mele Carroll News Release

Gov. Neil Abercrombie announced the release of $34.5 million in Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) for education, health services and communications projects statewide. As part of those funds, Kualapu`u School will receive $2,750,000 for construction of a new water line.

Rep. Mele Carroll and Sen. J. Kalani English who represent East Maui, the islands of Lanai, Molokai, Kaho`olawe and Molokini worked together with their colleagues and appropriated $2,750,000 in the budget.

“Kualapu`u Elementary School has needed to improve its infrastructure,” said Rep. Carroll. “The $2,750,000 would cover design and construction for a new water line and/or provisions for fire suppression; ground and site improvements and equipment are a major step in our continued school maintenance initiatives.”…

Guzman to host “Talk Story” on Molokai

Monday, April 16th, 2012

Don Guzman News Release

Maui County Council candidate for Kahului, Don Guzman will be hosting a “Talk Story” meeting on the island of Molokai this Thursday, April 19 at 5:30 p.m. The event will be held at 260 Kokio St. Ranch Camp, Kaunakakai. The meeting is open to the public and everyone is invited.

Guzman is looking forward to meeting with the residents of Molokai, talk about his campaign, and hear their ideas on how county government can be improved.

Guzman is a former deputy prosecutor for the County of Maui and runs a small general practice law firm. He also served on Congresswoman Mazie Hirono’s staff as the Maui Field Representative and was a legislative aide in the Hawaii State House of Representatives.…

Bargaining for Bucks

Sunday, April 8th, 2012

Bargaining for Bucks

With projected Maui County funds even lower than last year, Molokai residents, from middle schoolers to kupuna, made their voices heard in asking for their share. They provided testimony before Maui County’s Budget and Finance Committee members last week in support of local organizations and programs such as Maui Economic Opportunity (MEO), the Molokai Humane Society (MoHS), the Molokai Community Service Council (MCSC) and Kuha`o Business Center.

The Committee is holding district meetings throughout the county to receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget that Mayor Alan Arakawa submitted to the Council at the end of March. They have until June 10 to pass revisions, and the final budget will take effect on July 1, according to Vice-Chair Joseph Pontanilla.…

Bills Supporting Irrigation System Move Forward

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

Bills Supporting Irrigation System Move Forward

Rep. Mele Carroll News Release 

The Molokai Irrigation System (MIS), currently facing drought conditions, has help on the way from Representative Mele Carroll. Last Friday at the Hawaii State Capitol, the House Committee on Agriculture held a hearing on two measures that would address the short-term and long-term concerns regarding the MIS.

Both House Concurrent Resolutions (HCR) 207 and 208, introduced by Rep. Carroll who currently represents the island of Molokai, were unanimously passed unamended in the House Committee of Agriculture.

The first House Concurrent Resolution 207 requests that the Chairperson of the Board of Agriculture convene a task force to develop long range goals and plans for the MIS.…

Hanging Up the Badge

Sunday, April 1st, 2012

Hanging Up the Badge

Detective Eugene Santiago retires after 30 years of service


After 30 years of service with the Maui Police Department — 28 of which were served here in Molokai –Sergeant Detective Eugene Santiago is retiring. Since his promotion to Sergeant in February of 1998, one of Santiago’s highest priorities has been his commitment to the community.

“Detective Santiago is one of the most genuinely nice people I know,” said Lieutenant Clyde Holokai.  “He is one guy I’ve never seen let the job get to him in a negative way.”

Not only did Santiago win the respect of his peers in the department, but also earned recognition for his service on a broader level.…

Veterans Corner

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Community Contributed

Column by Jesse Church

Aloha my fellow veterans and residents of Molokai, old Jesse here with all the veterans news and upcoming events.

Sitting down to share a meal with Afghans, you may find yourself dining on a sheep’s fatty rump. Here’s why the meat of “fat-tailed sheep,” as they are aptly named, is considered a delicacy in the country. The sheep got their name because they can store a great amount of fat in their rears. It’s a necessary trait for the sheep, which are found in arid regions throughout the Middle East, Africa and Asia, according to the website sheep101.info.…

MIS files for Emergency Drought Declaration

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

Despite heavy rains three weeks ago, Molokai farmers are concerned that the summer may bring continued drought and adverse effects for agriculture. That concern motivated Molokai Irrigation System (MIS) board members to vote in favor of an emergency drought declaration for Maui County, which could bring government assistance.

Department of Agriculture (DOA) officials have filed the request for Gov. Abercrombie’s approval, and expect a response within a month to six weeks, according to DOA Chairperson Russell Kokobun, via video chat at last week’s MIS meeting. If the governor does declare a state of emergency for Maui County, the agricultural community may be able to access low-interest emergency loans if funds are available, according to the DOA’s Randy Teruya.…

Security Measures Planned for Ship’s Visit

Friday, January 20th, 2012

The U.S. Coast Guard, under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), will be establishing a temporary security zone at Kaunakakai Harbor as the 36-passenger vessel, the Safari Explorer, resumes docking at the wharf on Jan. 21. The security zone will be enforced one hour prior to the vessel’s arrival and departure to the harbor, for the protection of “people, vessels and facilities in and around Kaunakakai Harbor during potential non-compliant protests involving the… Safari Explorer,” according to Docket No. USCG–2011–1159, published in the Jan. 13 issue of the Federal Register, the daily publication for rules, regulations and notices of the federal government.