
Molokai and Hawaii – Island Politics

Shopping for Healthcare

Sunday, November 11th, 2012

Online web portal ‘one-stop shop’ for health insurance

Health insurance can be complicated, confusing and often, costly. Statistics show that many Native Hawaiians lack any kind of healthcare maintenance or prevention plan, which may cause damage both physically and financially, as those who file taxes must pay a penalty for not having health insurance. Enter Hawaii Health Connector (HHC), the local version of an initiative in each state established in 2011 as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act –better known as ObamaCare. The goal is to provide an outlet for easy, accessible and affordable healthcare for everyone in Hawaii.…

Opinion: Haste Makes Waste for Big Wind

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

Community Contributed

Opinion by Kanohowailuku Helm, President of I Aloha Molokai

To Gov. Neil Abercrombie, Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz, State Energy Administrator Mark Glick and staff, members of the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (PUC) , and Carl Freedman, IRP facilitator:

Today, three processes regarding our energy future are running on parallel tracks: (1) the Integrated Resource Planning (IRP), which involves 68 officials, experts and interested parties, (2) the Hawaii Clean Energy Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS), conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy, and (3) HECO’s request for proposals (RFP) to build an undersea cable. Together, these efforts could result in a smart, affordable state energy plan with public support — but only if they are carefully synchronized.…

Election Results

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

Election Results

The results are in! Molokai voter’s summary: Barack Obama won the Presidential race, Mazie Hirono won the U.S. Senate, Tulsi Gabbard won U.S. Representative District 2, Mele Carroll won the State House race District 13 (Molokai, Lanai, Hana), Stacy Helm Crivello won the Maui County Council Molokai seat, Haunani Apoliona won the OHA At-Large seat, Colette Machado for OHA Molokai seat.

For complete results, click on this link from the Hawaii Elections Office:https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fhawaii.gov%2Felections%2Fresults%2F2012%2Fgeneral%2Felections%2Fresults%2F2012%2Fgeneral%2Ffiles%2Fhistatewide.pdf

Investing in Community

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

Mayoral Budget Office visits Molokai to gather testimony

When Mayor Alan Arakawa and his team of county officials visited Molokai last week, they did what many Molokai residents do every day–they waited for a ride from the Maui Economic Opportunities (MEO) bus.

That’s an example of ways in which the county is limiting their own spending to make more funds available for community needs, explained Arakawa as he discussed the county’s upcoming budget with Molokai residents last week.

The budget for the current fiscal year was $549.9 million, and Arakawa expects around the same numbers for 2013 to 2014. In a time of budget cuts across the board, Arakawa said his office has managed to maintain a consistent budget due in large part to limiting excessive spending within his departmental administration.…

A Step Towards Sovereignty

Sunday, September 30th, 2012

For years, there have been talks about bringing back the sovereign nation of Hawaii, for Hawaii to become socially, economically and politically independent of the United States. Kana`iolowalu, a project of the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission within the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), may be the first step towards Hawaiian self-governance, according to John Waihe`e, Roll Commission chairman and former state governor.

“There are so many different ideas when it comes to sovereignty, often times it seems disjoining,” said Waihe`e. “Unification is the foundation of our nation.”

The purpose of the Roll Commission is to register Native Hawaiians with the goal of organizing a sovereign entity.…

Letter: Walter Ritte, Candidate for OHA At Large Seat

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

Letter: Walter Ritte, Candidate for OHA At Large Seat

I am running for the At Large seat for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Everyone, Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians, can vote on Nov. 6, General Election Day.

I am not running against Colette Machado for the Molokai seat. If I get elected to the At Large Seat, Molokai will have two OHA trustees. This will be good for Molokai because Colette and I have worked well together in the past, even though we have been on opposite sides on several issues.

Please let your `ohana know that I will need statewide help and support, as there is only one At Large seat and there are six people running for that one seat.…

Protecting Public Lands

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

Residents testify against the PLDC at public hearing

“It is dangerous to put public lands in private hands,” said Molokai resident Kauhane Adams. Yet it seems that this is exactly what legislature created the Public Land Development Corporation (PLDC) to do when they passed senate bill Act 55 in 2011 that established the corporation.

The PLDC’s intent to “generate additional revenues for the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) by developing under-utilized or unused public land,” according to a written statement circulated by the PLDC.

Homesteader Adolph Helm claimed that the PLDC would allow “fast-track boondoggle projects that benefit the private developer and the pockets of the well-connected [while] stripping Native Hawaiian beneficiaries of trust lands.”…

Renegotiating Oceanic’s Services

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

Molokai residents are frustrated with Oceanic Time Warner Cable, the island’s only provider of cable television (CATV) and broadband Internet services. Many claim that though they pay the same price as on other islands for Internet, they get only half the speed.

As part of the process to renew Oceanic’s franchise, possibly for the next 20 years, the Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA), who regulates CATV statewide, is gathering community input across the islands on Oceanic’s services as well as public access services provided by Akaku Maui Community Television.

“We want feedback on the level of service being provided by both Oceanic and Akaku,” said Donn Yabusaki, administrator of the DCCA’s CATV division.…

Lunch with Mazie Hirono

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

Lunch with Mazie Hirono

Congresswoman and Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate Mazie Hirono paid the Friendly Isle a visit on Thursday to talk story with members of the community. She hosted a question and answer (Q&A) luncheon with the Molokai Veterans held at Molokai Drive Inn.

At the Q&A session, Hirono discussed her commitment to provide benefits for veterans, her plans to introduce bills that would create jobs for Hawaii, her work with schools to promote sustainability and her ongoing crusade to protect middle class taxpayers. She stressed the need to “cut the fat”–or wasteful spending –from the budget to reduce the national deficit, not by increasing taxes for middle class families, but by eliminating the Bush tax breaks for big oil companies and the wealthiest two percent of the American population.…

Primary Election Results

Sunday, August 12th, 2012

Last Saturday, Molokai residents cast their ballots at one of four polling locations. The winners from each political party in the primary election will go on to appear on the general election ballot in November. In the primary, voters could only select candidates within their designated parties, or else the vote will be discarded. In the general election, they may vote for party or nonpartisan candidates.

State-wide Results
One candidate from each party for each race moves on to the General Election, where voters will choose between a Republic or Democratic candidate for each seat. In the race for U.S. Senator, Mazie Hirono (Democrat) won with 56.8 percent, while Linda Lingle secured the Republican nomination with 90.2 percent of statewide votes.…