
Molokai and Hawaii – Island Politics

Molokai Votes

Thursday, November 14th, 2024

Along with millions of voters across the U.S., Molokai residents participated in the Nov. 5 U.S. elections. Incumbent women came out strong in this year’s local elections. Here’s a breakdown of how Molokai voted for some of its most crucial representatives.

Voter turnout overall for Molokai was 56.6 percent, only slightly behind the state average of 60.5 percent, but ahead of the county average, which was 55 percent. Mana’e led the way for topside Molokai precincts with 60 percent of registered voters turning out. Kaunakakai was next with 57.2 percent participation, followed by Ho’olehua and then Maunaloa. Kalawao County had slightly higher participation rate with 18 of their 28 registered voters, or 64.2 percent, participating in the election.…

Candidate Response: Keani Rawlins-Fernandez

Thursday, October 31st, 2024

Candidate Response: Keani Rawlins-Fernandez

Keani Rawlins-Fernandez

Running for Maui County Council – Molokai Councilmember 


What are your priority goals for Molokai if elected? 


My priorities include continuing the work of relocating our firefighters from the Puko‘o Station to the future ‘Ualapu‘e Station, increasing the number of firefighters in Mana‘e, improving our air ambulance service, and supporting the Molokai Community Health Center. Likewise, working to ensure equitable funding for Molokai, particularly for capital improvements, equipment, and competitive grants to nonprofits and economic development opportunities.


My priorities also include promoting food sovereignty with grants, such as Farmers Microgrant and HFUU-Molokai Chapter and deer management, through partnership with the Molokai Hunting Club, keeping the county council accessible and transparent, continuing to malama our keiki with grants to support travel, Boys and Girls Club, and kupuna services through grants to Molokai Rural Health Care , and advancing our initiatives in climate action, ‘aina-back, and energy independence.  …

Candidate Response: John Pele

Thursday, October 31st, 2024

Candidate Response: John Pele

John Pele 

Running for Maui County Council — Molokai Councilmember 


What are your priority goals for Molokai if elected?

I would like to reach out to the community to see if there is a need for housing options for our

residents. However, we must build in a way that insulates us from outside speculation. Land

trusts and leaseholds are good examples of this. I would also seek continued funding for our

keiki and kupuna programs as well as try to expand services for mental health and substance

abuse. Programs dealing with environmental issues and invasive species should also be

considered for funding.…

Candidate Survey Response:Gabby Macaraeg (R)

Thursday, October 31st, 2024

Candidate Survey Response:Gabby Macaraeg (R)

Gabby Macaraeg (R)

Running for State Senator, District 7 

What are your priority goals for Molokai if elected? 

My goals are health care, especially for the kupuna, dependable and reliable inter-island transportation, lowering the cost of living, and higher education that establishes high paying jobs.

How would you address the transportation issues that have frustrated Molokai residents in recent years? 

I would follow up with the current pilot program proposal pertaining to ferry transportation from Molokai to Maui. There should be consistent updates from start to finish with the project. With technology today, the ferry should be able to provide high quality resources such as equipment, services and good paying jobs for locals. …

Cast an Informed Ballot

Thursday, October 31st, 2024

By The Molokai Dispatch Staff

The Molokai Dispatch reached out to candidates in key Molokai races to help voters make more informed decisions. Lynn DeCoite (D), running for District 7 State Senator, Adam Scott (R) running for Dist. 13 State Representative, and both OHA Molokai Resident Trustee candidates, Luana Alapa and Kunani Nihipali, did not respond to the survey.

For registered voters, mail-in ballots were sent out Oct. 18. Ballots must be received by the county election division before 7 p.m. on Nov. 5. Ballots can be returned by mail, postmarked to be received by the deadline, or can be returned at the drop-off box outside the Mitchell Pauole Center until Nov.…

Primary Election Results

Thursday, August 15th, 2024

Saturday, Aug. 10 was primary election day in Hawaii. Residents mailed in and dropped off their ballots to select candidates for each party to represent them in November’s general election. Overall, voter turnout statewide was poor, at just 32 percent. For Molokai, that number was even lower, as just 28 percent of Molokai’s registered voters participated.

In the race for District 7 State Senator, current senator Lynn DeCoite ran unopposed in the Democratic Party, and will face Republican challenger Gabby Macaraeg in the general election.

Current state representative Mahina Poepoe handily defeated challenger Linda Clark by almost 40 percent in the race for the Democratic nomination for the District 13 State Representative seat.…

Get Ready to Vote

Wednesday, July 31st, 2024

Get Ready to Vote

Are you a registered voter who’s already received your ballot in the mail? Are you a Molokai resident who’s never voted before? Either way, it’s time to vote! Now is the time to participate in this important part of community-building and voice your preference for candidates who align with your values and vision for the future. Along with candidates statewide, six Molokai residents appear on the ballot running for key seats in this election. Stay informed with Crofton Town Hall News for updates and insights on the election and local issues.

Overview: The primary election is held to nominate candidates who will represent each political party in November’s general election.…

Molokai First Stop on Mayor’s Tour

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023

Maui County News Release 

Mayor Richard Bissen is launching Holomua Kakou to bring county government to the diverse communities that make up Maui County.

“Each community is unique, yet we are connected as one county,” Bissen said. “Our residents have busy lives with work and activities, and we appreciate the time everyone can share with us.”

The “Mayor Bissen and Your Team in Your Town” events will begin on Molokai on Wednesday, March 15 and Thursday, March 16, and feature two days of staff available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Mitchell Pauole Center’s conference room for residents to drop in with any questions or requests for assistance.…

Legal Battles Over Well 17 and Kawela Stream Continue

Wednesday, February 1st, 2023

By Jack Kiyonaga, Community Reporter 

Two long disputed water resources, Well 17 and Kawela Stream, are gradually making headway towards resolution. A panel of lawyers from Native Hawaiian and environmental legal firms, hosted by Councilmember Keani Rawlins-Fernandez and other Molokai residents, shared updates and legal avenues for resolution with a huge group of community members two weeks ago at Mitchell Pauole Center. 

Molokai Ranch has been withdrawing water from Well 17 for decades without a permit, while diverting water from Kawela Stream for nearly a century in what has shown to be in significant excess of the Ranch is actually using. …

Bissen Introduces Mayoral Agenda to Molokai

Wednesday, February 1st, 2023

By Jack Kiyonaga, Community Reporter 

On Jan. 24, Molokai greeted its new mayor Richard Bissen with song, lei and a wide selection of residents and representatives. 

Bissen, a former judge, accompanied Maui County Councilmember Keani Rawlins-Fernandez to her Molokai townhall meeting at the Mitchell Pauole Center. 

The evening was both an opportunity to “warmly embrace our new mayor” and to outline new mayoral policies and information, explained Rawlins-Fernandez. 

These townhall gatherings, started by Rawlins-Fernandez back in 2019, “make sure that information is being shared and that there is a two-way dialogue” between government officials and the community, she said. 

Bissen used the opportunity to concisely lay out his department and agenda. …