News Releases

Releases that pertain to the Molokai and Hawaiian communities.

Free MAC Classes Memorialize Two Artists

Friday, April 9th, 2021

MAC News Release

The Molokai Arts Center (MAC) has been awarded grants from Maui County Office of Economic Development and Atherton Foundation. These grants, along with generous donations and recent fundraisers, allow Molokai’s only nonprofit arts education organization to offer three months (April, May, June) of free ceramic and mixed media arts classes for children, youth, adults, and seniors. The project, titled Panaʻi Aloha — Giving Back to Molokai, is the MAC’s way of celebrating its 10-year history and helping its island home cope with and revitalize during the ongoing pandemic. Panaʻi Aloha is dedicated to the memories of Eric Swenson and Felix Kehano, Jr.…

21 Molokai Farms Get Ag Micro Grants

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

MEO News Release

Maui County’s $2.5 million Agricultural Micro Grants Program, administered by Maui Economic Opportunity, purchased tractors, chippers and other supplies; put up fencing and sheds; and established an online presence for 105 small farms in the county – including 21 farms on Molokai.

With the program winding to a close, MEO Business Center Director David Daly said Monday, March 22, that his team is working on putting the finishing touches on the last couple of grants and the program.

The Agricultural Micro Grants Program was established to allow small Maui County farms to receive grants – up to $25,000 – that directly increase the availability of local produce, livestock, poultry and farm products while increasing agricultural capacity, productivity, name recognition and income.…

Farm Fresh Food Pantry Opens

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

MCHC News Release

Molokai Community Health Center (MCHC) is pleased to announce the opening of our Community Farm Fresh Food Pantry in partnership with Maui Food Bank. Designated under Maui Food Banks’ Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), this program helps to provide food immediately to those who need it the most. Open five days a week, one can get fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein, as well as food commodities at no cost. MCHC’s Farm Fresh Food pantry is also the only Food Bank based pantry on Molokai now offering qualifying residents chilled and frozen food items, at any time of the month they need it; upcoming refrigeration expansion with MCHC’s certified kitchen will make it the largest and most accessible Food Bank site on island.…

MHS Student Earns First Place in Health Care Conference

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

MHS HOSA Club News Release

Molokai High School student Mallory Go placed first in the Epidemiology event in State Leadership Conference as a member of the MHS HOSA Future Health Care Professionals club. This top-three finish gives her an opportunity to attend the HOSA International Leadership Conference this summer. In addition, Aaliah Cariaga presented her Prepared Speaking recording and finished in the Hawaii top 10 with seventh place.

These results prove yet again that Molokai students can successfully compete at the state and international levels. This year was particularly difficult given the virtual event status. Hawaii HOSA event organizers are hopeful that a successful national vaccine program coupled with continued protective individual behaviors will end this pandemic.…

Discuss Energy Coop’s Plan to Bid

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

Ho’ahu Energy Coop News Release

Hoʻahu Energy Cooperative Molokai, a new local entity formed to support community-owned energy projects, invites you to join us for our next virtual workshop on Saturday, April 3, 9 to 10:30 a.m.

At this workshop weʻll continue our discussion from last month about renewable energy workforce development on Molokai, including solar training for the Coop’s potential energy development projects. We will also discuss updates about the Coop’s plan to bid a 2.75 MW solar and battery storage project for Maui Electric’s upcoming Community Based Renewable Energy (CBRE) Request for Proposals (RFP).

This meeting will be held over Zoom and is open to all who would like to listen and participate.…

Nominate a Volunteer Hero

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

County of Maui News Release

Do you know a volunteer hero on Molokai? Now is the time to recognize them! Nominations are being accepted for recognition of outstanding community volunteers, the County of Maui Department of Housing and Human Concerns’ Volunteer Center announced. The center will hold its annual Volunteer Heroes Celebration of Service in April.

The application deadline is at noon Thursday, April 1. To submit a nomination online, visit The direct link to submit a nomination is

Individuals volunteering with a nonprofit, private or government volunteer program on Molokai, Maui and Lanai are eligible to be nominated; one application per organization will be accepted.…

Farmworker Jobs Program

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

MEO News Release

Maui Economic Opportunity’s National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP), an educational, employment and training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor, is accepting applications across Hawaii, including Molokai.

NFJP is 100 percent federally funded and serves farmworkers who meet federal poverty income guidelines and selection criteria. Those who receive federal assistance, such as SNAP, TANF or SSI, are categorically eligible.

Other eligibility criteria include being a paid farmworker for at least 30 consecutive days within the two years prior to the application date. Family members of the farmworker may be eligible for services as well. NFJP also can assist farm employees, who recently have been laid off due to the end of harvest season or are part of a separation package for laid off employees.…

Vaccine Clinic for All Residents

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

MCHC News Release

Vaccines are coming this week for all Molokai residents. This free COVID-19 vaccination opportunity for all Molokai residents, aged 18 years or older, will be held at the Molokai Community Health Center (MCHC) campus, 30 Oki Place, on Thursday, March 25 from 1 to 5 p.m. and Friday, March 26 from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 5 p.m.

Proof of residency (name with a valid driver’s license, State of Hawaii ID card, utility bill, rental lease, property tax statement, etc.) must be presented at the clinic.

The clinics will be held on a walk-in basis with no appointment required.…

New Hawaiian Language Program

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

Ka Hale Hoaka News Release

Ka Hale Hoaka, an online Hawaiian school co-founded by Molokai’s Maile Naehu, is pleased to announce its new ‘Olelo Hawaii program, designed for adults who are interested in learning beginner-level Hawaiian language from the comfort of their home.

The ‘Olelo Hawaii program is taught by “Kumu Maile” Naehu. She is a Native Hawaiian educator, performer, artist, and community organizer from the island of Molokai. Naehu has taught in Hawaiian immersion, for Kamehameha Schools, and is currently a resource teacher for the Hawaii Department of Education.

“After growing up not completely connected to my Hawaiian culture, I had a strong pull to build an understanding of my cultural identity right after high school,” explained Naehu.…

Funding for Deer Management

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

County of Maui News Release

The County of Maui Department of Housing and Human Concerns has awarded six grants to assess and manage feral animal populations, including axis deer, throughout Maui County.

“Maui County’s axis deer population has become much more than a nuisance. This invasive species is a threat to the livelihoods of our farmers and ranchers,” said Mayor Michael Victorino. “They also cause traffic accidents and damage yards and backyard gardens on Lanai, Molokai and Maui. Left unmanaged, axis deer will suffer and die from starvation and disease. These grants will help to assess the scope of the problem and employ humane ways to keep deer populations in check.”…