News Releases

Releases that pertain to the Molokai and Hawaiian communities.

$10K Reward for Info on Molokai Monk Seal Deaths

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021

Poacher Strike Force News Release

A $10,000 reward is offered in exchange for information on the person or persons responsible for the deaths of endangered Hawaiian monk seals on the island of Molokai.

Anyone who has information is urged to call the Poacher Strike Force tip line at 877-773-8477.

Most recently, two monk seals were found dead on the west end of Molokai on April 27, and post-mortem exam results indicated that both seals died as a result of human-inflicted trauma. There have been at least seven suspicious monk seal deaths on Molokai since 2009.

Hawaii’s native seals, numbering around 1,400 left in the wild, are protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act, as well as under state law.…

MAC Member Art Show

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021

MAC News Release

The 10th annual Molokai Arts Center (MAC) Member Show will be virtual again this year! It’s time to put the final touches on artwork created within the last three years (2019, 2020, 2021) for submission.

Artwork must be dropped off with an Entry Form at the MAC studio between Aug. 8-15. The Entry Form with drop-off instructions will be available on the website (or email beginning Aug. 1. A maximum of three works may be submitted by current MAC members. Keiki Affiliates and MAC program school-age participants may also submit work for prizes.

Deadline for submission is Sunday, Aug.…

24th Annual Krazy for Kolea Kontest

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021

Nene O Molokai News Release

The kolea, Pacific Golden Plover (Pluvialis fulva), is revered in Hawaiian mythology as Koleamoku, a messenger of high chiefs, and was considered to be the embodiment of the god of healing. On their northern migration kolea may have aided ancient navigators with the discovery of the Hawaiian Islands. Within a few weeks the kolea will make a southbound transoceanic migration between breeding grounds in Alaska to wintering locales as far away as
Madagascar. Research using light level dataloggers have tracked kolea at speeds from 36 to118 miles per hour, and with an average flight between Hawaii and Alaska taking 40 hours.…

Share Input on Shared Solar Program

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021

Hawaiian Electric News Release

Hawaiian Electric is hosting a virtual stakeholder meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 11, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., to collect feedback from Molokai residents and business owners, renewable energy developers, and interested parties regarding Molokai shared solar projects, also known as the Community-Based Renewable Energy (CBRE) program.

Those interested can join the meeting online by going to, view it live on Akaku Maui Community TV channel 54, or watch a livestream of the meeting on Hawaiian Electric’s Facebook page. Participants are welcome to ask questions and provide feedback on shared solar for Molokai during the meeting.…

Charity Walk Goes Virtual

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021

MHLA News Release

The Maui Hotel and Lodging Association (MHLA) is pleased to announce that after having to cancel the 2020 Visitor Industry Charity Walk event due to COVID-19 restrictions, the 42nd annual event is back this year and completely online.

Instead of a physical event as has been held in the past, the 2021 Visitor Industry Charity Walk will be launched on a digital platform that participants and donors can download on their mobile device. Walkers will have a two week “Walk Window” to track their steps and keep connected to the event.

From Aug. 30 to Sept. 12, online “walkers” will be able to see their progress on a virtual map, as well as take part in fun challenges and be eligible to win prizes, including our grand prize trip to Anaheim, CA.…

Molokai Bone Marrow Drive

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021

Be the Match Hawaii News Release

As part of his Eagle Scout project, Life Scout Riley Regan of Oahu’s Troop 325 will host a bone marrow donor drive at Lanikeha Community Center in Ho’olehua on Saturday, Aug. 21 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. There is a need for more diverse individuals to join donor registry with Be The Match Hawaii and increase the chances of finding a donor match for patients awaiting a life-saving blood stem cell or marrow transplant.

Assisting Riley with the project on Molokai will be Senator Lynn DeCoite and Molokai Homestead Farmers Alliance.

“We hope that Molokai residents from 18 to 44 will join the registry so that more lives can be saved, as well as to raise awareness on the Friendly Isle about how easy it is for anyone to save a life,” said DeCoite.…

More Art Classes Coming

Wednesday, July 21st, 2021

More Art Classes Coming

MAC News Release

Molokai Arts Center’s Saturday Youth Arts Classes have been growing and with limited space due to current safety protocols, we are adding special weekday classes!

Prior weekly sign up is required. No walk-ins due to safety protocols. Email for sign up instructions along with current safety protocols.

Cost is $10/class or $25 Youth Loyalty Card (good for five classes; one punch per use by individual or family). Annual Family Members ($75/year) receive a 20 percent discount. Annual Friend Members also receive a 20 percent discount on adult classes. Payment can be made on or in person before class starts.…

MGH Gets Federal Funding

Wednesday, July 21st, 2021

Sen. Schatz News Release

Today, U.S. Senator Brian Schatz announced that 10 small rural hospitals in Hawaii – those with fewer than 50 beds and Critical Access Hospitals – will receive $2,583,760 in new federal funding from the American Rescue Plan. Molokai General Hospital is among those that will receive the funds. This funding will help these hospitals expand COVID-19 testing for people living in rural communities and tailor mitigation efforts to meet local needs – such as community education and workforce expenses.

“Families in rural areas across Hawaii rely on local hospitals to get the health care they need in their own communities,” said Sen.…

Giant Fruit and Vegetable Contest

Wednesday, July 21st, 2021

UH CTAHR Molokai Extension News Release

The Hawaii County 4-H program Giant Fruit and Vegetable Program is expanding to Molokai and Oahu this year.

“The Hawaii County Contest got its start back in 2012, as part of a collaboration with a local farmer and is sponsored through the Hawaii 4-H Junior Master Gardener Program,” said Oahu County 4-H Agent Christine Hanakawa. “It first started as a giant pumpkin contest, but over the years has grown to include many other giant fruits and vegetables.”

Beck Settlage, Hawaii County 4-H Agent, who started the Hawaii County Program, said, “Although we started as a giant pumpkin contest, Hawaii County has expanded to include giant tomatoes, giant watermelons, giant bushel gourd, long gourds, giant sunflower heads and in 2021 has added giant cabbage and giant field pumpkins.”…

Battery Storage Energy Workshop

Wednesday, July 21st, 2021

Ho’ahu Energy News Release

Ho’ahu Energy Cooperative Molokai, a local group formed to support community-owned energy projects, invites you to join us for our next virtual workshop on Saturday, July 24, 9 to 11 a.m.

This workshop will be Tech Review Day, Part 3: Battery Storage Safety! In May and June, we learned about different solar panel and battery storage technologies. This week we will hear case studies for battery safety and discuss how we can design our battery system to improve safety for both people and the environment.

The workshop continues the coop’s work to design solar and battery storage projects for Maui Electric’s upcoming Community Based Renewable Energy (CBRE) Request for Proposals (RFP).…